My aggressive journey to say a few words. (AKA) I'll be saying stuff that won't matter to many of you but it'll ALL mean something to me.
Published on February 4, 2005 By wnx_decoy In Misc
Once upon a time there lived a vile being known as a teacher. His name resembled the shape of his face and the thoughts going through his head. He always thought of dicks and his face looks like a rod. Trying not to be politcally incorect I'd have to say he's funny... not haha, but queer funny.

Mr. Dickerod was just returning from a "special conference" he had attended the previous day. When he returned his class-senses started tingling (a.k.a. his nose hairs) so he knew that there must be something out of place in his room.

We think he has every student's aroma down because as he walked into the room he started sniffing very loud. He usually does that a lot but even more this time than usual.

The first words he said were, "Mr. Schwegler touched my keys. He will suffer." If you can't tell, he's not a happy little man, except on weekends when he jumps into a jumper suit and goes to the gay bars in Steuderville. I've seen him, riding on his bike behind his guy friend, going towards the bars. It's a rather... unique site indeed.

Anyways, he walked up to his computer and yelled for the class to stop talking. While we were sitting there he started making strange grunting sounds. People told me he does that at times but I never believed it before. I was scared and I think it was worse for 'Mr. Schlwegler' seeing as how he was grunting everytime Mr. Dickerod looked at him.

Everyone sat in fear of what was coming next for the whole 45 minutes of class time we had.

As he dismissed us he called for 'Mr. Schwegler' to stay after class. I wanted to stay to make sure nothing happened but Mr. Dickerod sent me out the door.

As I walked away from classroom I heard screeming sounds. I ran back to the room to see what was the matter. But Mr. Dickerod was standing alone wipeing off his lips. Nobody knows what happened to 'Mr. Schwegler' that day but he's been seen a few times wanderingthe halls in a black robe. He won't talk to anyone, but he has a sign on his backpack that reads, "Mr. Dickerod taught me a good lesson that day."

Most people forgot all about it but please, don't let this story die now. It may impact a life one of these days.

Capt. over and out!

on Feb 05, 2005
Ok....a weird little story....

on Feb 06, 2005
you and rich are so demented.
on Feb 06, 2005
I don't really have to imagine much to believe it....

on Feb 13, 2005
this sounds too muh like mr. roderick!!!!ahhhhh!!!! weird mental pictures....
on Feb 19, 2005
he he he.....good story...he he

on Feb 20, 2005
oh, yeah. thanks guys. i was really bored.

Capt. over and out!