My aggressive journey to say a few words. (AKA) I'll be saying stuff that won't matter to many of you but it'll ALL mean something to me.
they are human too
Published on March 25, 2004 By wnx_decoy In Just Hanging Out
Ok, so from what I here, a lot of people are disgusted by skinny girls because they are pretty? I don't get it. Or you don't like nice looking girls because, just like all other groups of people, some of them aren't smart? Come on, stop being so pre-judge-idous.
One of my best friends is a very hot, and yes skinny, girl. She's smart too. What a miracle! I mean, who ever thought that someone who looks good could be smart and even kind to others!? I don't know how many of you believe me because you're too busy judging people before you really get to know them. I have a lot of female friends who are both atractive and smart.
Maybe it's just me but I think you are either jealous of the girls or you were on the wrong end of a break with one, because I see nother wrong with someone being born with good genes.
There was an anorexic (how do you spell that anyways?) who only had that as a sign of anything bad about her. She was still very atractive and smart. It didn't suddenly make her crazy just becasue she was insecure. It's not her fault it's a part of our society to push being "perfect". She is one of the smartest girls in my school.
And then you have the "average" looking person. The only difference that I can see is that they aren't the same size. Nothing wrong with that.
And of course I have to talk about people who are over weight. No name calling here. I consider myself to me over weight. Do you want to know why I do? It's not because I weigh more than everyone else. It's because others tell me I am. Actually, over all I am in more of a fit shape than others make me feel.
One of my other good friends is a big boy. He isn't bad because of it and he isn't less intelegent because of it. He's probably one of the smartest guys in his class and that's the main reason why he's my friend. I don't have "stupid" friends. I have just plain and simply, friends that are there for me. I stick up for them and they stick up for me.
LIke I started out saying, there's nothing that says because you look a certain way that you act a certain way or have a certain amount of intelegence. One thing I can't stand for is people saying someone is not intelegent because they have a mental disorder or because they look a certain way. Most people think I'm stupid because I dress like a "stupid" slacker. I don't care what people think of my apearence really. I just used my only self-consciousness as an example. For the most part I'm glad I look the way I do and most people don't care about it. I just happened to notice a lot of articles about skinny people not being "right". Well it's certainly not wrong to be skinny.
And in case you were wondering. The girl I mentioned at the beginning is not someone that I would like as a girlfriend (even though she is a very atractive girl!). She's more of a sister to me so don't think I was using my hormones as a source for my defense. What I am saying is exactly what I KNOW to be true. Fat, skinny, average, it doesn't make a difference. I just hope some of us around here would come to understand that.

Capt. over and out! ™

on Mar 25, 2004
That's a healthy attitude there Cappy. While we all sometimes have a tendency to pre-judge someone based upon their appearance, which is only natural, a healthy, open-minded person will still go on to base a more substantial opinion of a person based upon who they are, not just what they look like.

We all form some sort of opinion about a person based on what they look like. We have a differing opinion of a person wearing filthy clothes and smelling like they haven't bathed in weeks than a person wearing expensive clothing and is well groomed. Now, once we actually meet that person we may well discover that the person in rags is a very good person who is in a bad situation. Or we may not.

We may discover that the well-groomed person is a real a**hole. Or we may not.

The simple fact is, a person's appearance IS a part of who they are. But only a part. A small part. Tiny, really. The main part of a person's makeup is their personality, morals, and how they interact with the world and people around them.

Personally, I would much rather spend time with a polite, intelligent, completely ugly person than a rude, obnoxious, self-center pretty person. Looks are the makeup of a first impression. The real depth requires getting to know that person regardless of what they look like.

To the point: There's nothing wrong with skinny girls, medium girls, or fat girls (yes I used the word fat). There is something wrong with a person who treats other people like dirt. I can live without them.

And don't sell stupid people short either, Cappy. A truly stupid person was born that way and can't help it. I can't abide a person who has intelligence and simply chooses to be stupid. There's a difference between the two.

Get to know a stupid person some time. They can make great friends.
on Mar 25, 2004
If you're referring to my article, let me explain a bit:

I'm skinny. I'm 5'2" tall and I weigh 115lbs. I'm a size 4. I'm not knocking skininess. All I was asking for was other people's opinions on EMACIATED chicks. Not skinny, there's a difference....I'm talking women who starve themselves to be thin and end up looking skeletal. My other question was who's idea it was that being that scrawny is beautiful? Beauty, to me, comes in many shapes, sizes and colors.

I agree with you that a person's appearance is only a part of who they are. We're all guilty, I think of judging a book by it's cover, even tho we know we shouldn't. I also agree that you can't measure intelligence by appearance. Some of the smartest people I know look like.......well, you'd never guess from looking at them that they hold Doctorates, put it that way.

on Mar 25, 2004
I agree with Dharma on this one. I am never going to be a size 4, ever. But I am all for exercising, eating right, and being healthy. And I think the point of some of the things on her article was just that. Looking at people who were skinny for all the wrong reasons. Not because it was just a part of their metabolism, but because they are literally starving themselves, making themselves sick, overexercising counting calories... etc. Quite different than some of the reasons you gave. You're right, how a person looks shouldn't affect other people's negative opinions. But there's a difference between negativity and concern. Those girls that are skinny for the wrong reasons really do need help.
on Mar 25, 2004
And as I think I DID refer to. The girls that starve themselves sometimes have a medical condition in which they can't help but think they are fat. I know it's not healthy but from where I stand, it doesn't change who they are. The girl that I know who was like that really was a great person to hang out with and believe me. I prefer talking to her over a lot of the "healthy" people at school because she has an atitude about life. Yes, LIFE, that I like. I don't see it as a reason to treat the person like they are "bad" or anything like that.
And when you said to get to know some of the stupid people, how about this. I have 4 friends that have down syndrome and I, again don't judge them because of how they look. I really don't see how you could think I would have a problem with smart people. When I said all of my friends are smart, I meant that the friends that I actually get to hang out with are smart, not that I don't have any "stupid" friends at all. If you really want me to I can show you my schools website, which shows a picture of one of my friends, because he was a manager for the football team.

Capt. over and out! ™
on Mar 25, 2004
Well, Cappy actually you did say you didn't have any stupid friends, but that's beside the point. That particular comment was mostly just an attempt at humor which obviously failed miserably.

If you re-read my comments you'll find I am in agreement with you. Sorry if my writing style doesn't quite mesh with your reading style.
on Mar 25, 2004
I don't dislike skinny girls.

I'm just insecure about my own weight. I dislike my body. Which is not skinny. And I wish I was skinny. I know some people are, some people aren't. I'm friends with every body type too. I have stupid friends, I have developmentally disabled friends, I have smart friends, I have bigger friends, I have smaller friends.

That's the spice of life

on Mar 26, 2004
Yeah, it is. And yes I DID say that. But I was refering to the friends that I can actually hang out with without people thinking I'm going to make fun of them or hurt them in some way. Most of those other friends have people who think that I'm a jerk and won't let me even talk to them about a football game that we were both at. It sucks too. So yes I said I don't have , quote, stupid, friends but that's only because people won't let me near them long enough to be good friends with them. Sorry, I got upset but I take judging people on apearence or a couple actions. I try to get to know everyone I meet. You haven't noticed yet that I ask questions like these to see how people think? I make blogs about issues like this for a reason, believe it or not.

Capt. over and out!
on Mar 26, 2004
There is an instinctive drive that tends to make people attracted to healthy looking people. Body type varies according to individual taste but a healthy look tells a person that you are probably a good candidate to have children with. Of course people over come instincts with reason but we also have to accept the fact that we are influenced by instinct. This isn't my own theory. There have been many studies done and a whole series on the subject was shown on PBS. It also pointed out that people find symmetry attractive. The more symmetrical the face the more attractive we find it.

Judging someone by the way they look can cause you to miss out on some very special people. I am friends with people from all walks. My dad is a good example of someone you couldn't look at and tell how intelligent he is. He walks around in scruffy jeans and flannel shirts but could have an in depth conversation on pretty much any subject you would throw at him.

Some people are attractive on the outside but have an unattractive personallity and vice versa. It would be a very dull world if we all fit the same mold.