My aggressive journey to say a few words. (AKA) I'll be saying stuff that won't matter to many of you but it'll ALL mean something to me.
prepare yourself for boredom
Published on April 4, 2004 By wnx_decoy In Just Hanging Out
Hey all! Now, someone explain this to me... How can a guy be ditsy. I don't know how to spell the blasted word but I think you got the picture.
The reasons behind such a stupid question?... Well, let's go back in time *que, Time Warp music* to just a few days ago.
I was walking down the hall, minding my own business, when out of nowhere some girl comes running up to me and starts talking to me. I kind of listened, even though I was trying to get away, so the ditsier she acted the ditsy I acted. You know, just reacting to how the speaker is. I do that a lot when people are talking to me. Sometimes I just don't care about how bad someone's day is so I just kinda do the uh-huh thing to get them to finish talking and go away.
Well, some of my friends just happened to be watching and when I came back they said that I am the only ditsy guy they have ever met.
I got to thinking about it and then I realized they might be right, even though I didn't know that guys could do that.
The things that came to my attention first were:
1) i am the only guy in the house. it's been that way since i was born.
2) almost all of my friends are girls
3) i like to make people laugh so I do things out of nowhere often
4) i am very forgetfully and often times totally oblivious because of it

So, I don't know if that makes me a ditsy guy or not but after looking at the reasons for why I think it could be I think I may be one of the only ditsy men in America. No I'm not gay, so don't think that would be a factor for me being like that.
Anyone have any other factors that might result in my "personality"?

That's not all I wanted to talk about. So don't think you got off easy on this one.
Alright, who else had a fun experience waking up to the new times? I certainly had fun with it. First my dad forgot that we lost an hour of sleep last night. Then, of course we were late to church. Actually, we would have been if he didn't speed the whole way there. We actually ended up ten minutes early. Think about it, we woke up an hour later than usual and still got to church early. Now, of course things settled down for a while, once we got there right? Wrong. This kid, in my sunday school class kept asking all of these girls to prom. I thought if he asked one more girl out I was gonna have to go to the hospital. It was so funny watching their faces'. They tried to be nice about it but you could tell they wanted to laugh as freely as I was.
Later this day, my dad took us to Sears and his watch still wasn't adjusted so he was arguing with the cashier about the time on all of the microwaves and ovens. Again, I couldn't even see straight I was laughing so hard. You have to understand, my dad is one of those "i know everything" kind of people. Watching him get proved wrong was just priceless.
Finally, my favorite part of the whole day was an all day thing... Every time I looked at my watch (because of my forgetfullness) i kept setting it ahead an hour almost every time I looked at it. I eventually ended up three hours ahead.
Now, I think I may be finished boring you all, so go enjoy your few hours of the day that you have left!

Capt. over and out!

on Apr 05, 2004
Well, from the looks of things, I at least got some insightfuls so I guess my job here is done.

Capt. over and out!
on Apr 06, 2004
Maybe your mind just functions a little bit differently than the average male mind? It doesn't have to be a bad thing. Einstein was totally absent minded a lot of the time! Would go outside with his bedroom slippers on. Forget to put on his socks, etc. Maybe you're just more of a creative thinker than an analytical one? That's kind of how I am too. And Einstein also felt that imagination is more important than great intelligence! I mean, consider the source, huh? It actually can be a really cool thing. So don't feel too weirded out or self-conscious about it. I know that's not always an easy thing to do? And it took me a long time to value the way my own absent minded brain works? But I accepted it in time. And other people began to accept it too. So the same thing can happen to you. Hope this helps you some? I always enjoy reading your blogs. I think your imagination is really cool.

on Apr 06, 2004
Hey thanks for the advice. It might help me. I just thought that it was weird that I was considered a dits. Maybe you're right though. I like my imagination even if I'm the most forgetful person you'll ever meet.

Capt. over and out!
on Apr 08, 2004
Ha! I actually didn't have to have it done it time for schol today. I get to work on it. The thing is that I've already finished now. So I guess I just ruined my rep as a procrastinator? It's gonna take some time to fix that one. Well, I think I'm gonna try and get some sleep now. 13 hours on one project is definitely tiring. And thanks for being there for me.

Capt. over and out!