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My aggressive journey to say a few words. (AKA) I'll be saying stuff that won't matter to many of you but it'll ALL mean something to me.
C.C.'s New Collegiate Dictionary
Published on April 28, 2004 By
The famous book I refered to was the dictionary. I truly enjoyed some of the most recent additions. One that I use often in conversations with crazy llama 96. The word is mcjob. I figured, since I have reveiled a couple of my 'words' to you that I'd show you what I've got. Here you go...
bust a cap~ to shoot a gun (eg. I'll bust a cap at that bird. Give me your cheese or I'll bust a cap.)
dude~ look it up!!! but then take this definition... a descriptive name given to any male stating respect that one man/woman has towards the subject male. (eg. Hey dude, that's totally awesome!)
dudely~ having dudeness. (eg. Man, that chef got everything ready in the most dudely way.)
dudeness~ an expression used to describe how much of a dude someone has/had. (eg. That chef has major dudeness.)
dudet~ a descriptive name given to any female stating respect that one man/woman has towards the subject felame. (eg. Way to go dudet!)
mounting~ simple copulation in a forceful manner, commonly used by British billionaire Sir Peter Maxwell to indicate his desire for sexual intercourse with a female.
nerp~ undecided; a mixture of the words nah, err..., and nope. this is the negative undecided term. (eg. Nerp, maybe later. I'm busy eating this cheese.)
oh jeeze...~ oh ___ (fill in the blank). (eg. Oh jeeze, that was close!)
olitical~ an attempt to make a connection among love, war, and politics, with a political leader as a coincidental link. (eg. Madpoet made an olitical observation about what happened between him and the young woman.)
poofter ~ British term for a homosexual man. (eg. Look at those two poofters in the pink t-shirts kissing!)
pudding snack ~ loosely translates into crotch. (eg. You look like you just got done with someone's pudding snack.)
pull a...~ refering to do something similar to another. (eg. I'm gonna pull a Dan, and put people down.)
qwerty~ dumb queer. (eg. Shaun, stope being such a qwerty.)
shrep~ undecided; a mixture of the words sure, errr..., and yep. this is the positive undecided term. (eg. Shrep, I'll do that. Just give me a minute, dude.)
tech~ tech means that it's good in a sense that it does things that are either: A) Good
Answers problems or C) Has an effect that fixes a certain problem. (e.g. Duct tape is so tech.)
touristification~ the ongoing process of a town/place becoming touristified. (eg. The touristification of this town is unbelievable.)
touristified~ the result of majority of the populus being tourists. (e.g. This town has become so touristified, that you can't find the 'local' folks!)
yeast ~ an expanding substance used to describe things growing. (e.g. The marching formation should expand like yeast. )
yefa ~ characteristics of a satanistic being. (e.g. Fuseball is the yefa.)
*Now if anyone has any new words please post them and I will think about adding them* *When I decide to add one I will inform you and you will see the addition in the list in its alphabetical location*
Capt. over and out!
P.S.~ I realize I'm not exactly the best guy for editing the dictionary, but I figured it was worth a try.
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Comments (Page 1)
2 Pages
on Apr 29, 2004
olitical~ an attempt to make a connection among love, war, and politics, with a political leader as a coincidental link. (eg. Madpoet made an olitical observation about what happened between him and the young women.)
Capt~this one is my fave!
. No, I liked all these really cool new words dude. I mean, I really thought you did all this in a totally dudely way, huh? And this Capt. Cornbread dictionary is gonna have major dudeness after you are all done. Cool job dude!
P.S. The only thing though~it was a young "woman" not "women". There was only one (that I know of). This is another really cool blog.
on Apr 29, 2004
sorry dude, I didn't realize I did that. I'll fix it right away.
Capt. over and out!
on Apr 29, 2004
Hehe, funny...I'll have to think up some words for you to put up here...
on Apr 29, 2004
Alright, go for it!
Capt. over and out!
on Apr 29, 2004
So is this what you do in ur spare time? lol. And when did you start using C.C.??
on Apr 29, 2004
Just recently. Did you miss my article about that? I think you should go check it out!
Capt. over and out!
on Apr 29, 2004
a descriptive name given to any male stating respect that one man has towards another. (eg. Hey dude, that's totally awesome!)
hmm...I disagree that "dude" has a gender bias, but that's simply my two cents.
on Apr 29, 2004
the females... I'm sorry I forgot!
Capt. over and out!
on Apr 29, 2004
alright, I've fixed that problem, shadesofgrey.
capt. over and out!
on Apr 29, 2004
dude~ look it up!!! but then take this definition... a descriptive name given to any male stating respect that one man/woman has towards the subject male. (eg. Hey dude, that's totally awesome!)
huh? I think "dudes" can be women...I call my female friends dude all the time--it started as a sarcastic joke, making found of someone who said it all the time, and then it kind of stuck-- my roommates is addicted to the phrase "yea, whatever dude".
on Apr 29, 2004
Well, in my industry (hospitality/tourism), I found I had to coin new words to describe places that sell their souls to grab the holidaymakers dollar....
TOURISTIFIED.... e.g. "This town has become so touristified, that you can't find the 'local' folks!"
TOURISTIFICATION... The ongoing process of a town/place becoming touristified.
on Apr 29, 2004
TOURISTIFIED.... e.g. "This town has become so touristified, that you can't find the 'local' folks!"
TOURISTIFICATION... The ongoing process of a town/place becoming touristified.
I like those--describes perfectly where I'm living--I think my vocabuarly's just been expanded.
on Apr 29, 2004
Thank you Eric... your words have been added. Please continue bringing up new words if you'd like.
Same goes for anyone else...
Capt. over and out!
Sir Peter Maxwell
on May 01, 2004
Mounting - Simple copulation in a forceful manner, commonly used by British billionaire Sir Peter Maxwell to indicate his desire for sexual intercourse with a female.
on May 02, 2004
HaHa!!! Consider is done, Sir!
Capt. over and out!
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