My aggressive journey to say a few words. (AKA) I'll be saying stuff that won't matter to many of you but it'll ALL mean something to me.
how ever you can make it, sir!
Published on May 6, 2004 By wnx_decoy In Just Hanging Out
Oh my gosh! I can't believe I never thought of asking this before! Preparing food! It's genius!

Alright, so how do you like your food? What I mean is do you do something 'special' to it that makes it better?

I like to use milk instead of water in my oatmeal and add lots of sugar.

My Mac & Cheese isn't that nasty, clumpy, junk. I eat it with like twice as much butter and milk as the packages say. It makes it nice and 'runny'.

Oh yes!!! I'm getting excited now! I'm so hungry, I had to bring this stuff up. I'm a man who is accessable through his stomach. If you want to get to know me give me food and THEN ask your questions. Seriously, I LOVE to eat and can eat more than just about anyone I know. I'm not even that kind of fatty that eats non-stop. I have a pretty good system on me. I eat buffets more than anything and still don't gain wheight. I don't think you've quite got it. I can't get enough of good food. I had 5 doughnuts for lunch yesterday because they sounded good. I drank a quart of milk with it too.

Sorry, back to the actually topic.

How do you make you mashed potatoes? I bet they've got potato chunks don't they? I don't even have instant mashed potatoes and I can get the smooth stuff. It's so good too. I just can't help myself.

My favorite meal is mashed potatoes, green beans, and chicken and noodles. Oh boy, that's some good stuff when you mix it up! Mmmmmmmmmm....

Must.... calm........ dow.....nnn. No, I must obsess over food! I can't help myself. Cheese, doughnuts, barbeque ribs, steak, pizza, mac and cheese, PB&J, green beans, chicken... all awesome foods!

Dang this is almost embarrassing freaking out like this, but I couldn't help it once the idea popped into my head. It was like pop-up ads for food all over, inside my head. It was just sooo overwhelming.

Pizza. homemade pizza always hits the spot. Especially if you use your own ingredients. Oh yeah....

Tacos are good. I only like them with beans, meat, and cheese, but i like them nonetheless... especially those good ol' double deckers, from Taco Bell. Uh-huh! Yeah!

Steak, must be medium well or medium rare. Nothing else will do. I need some red but ONLY some. It just won't cooperate with me unless I have it like that.

Hotdogs, as long as it's from a baseball game you know they're gonna be good! Am I right?

Cheese... 'nough said!!!

I think I'll stop here because I'm starting to drool all over the keyboard (seriously, too)! Just tell me some foods you like to fix a certain way or a 'special' food you've made up.

Capt. over and out!

on May 06, 2004
I'm all about combining carbs into taco-like arrangements. Multiple beans, rice, corn, etc...wrap them in a tortilla add some lettuce and sour cream...OLE!

Plus whenever I buy frozen pizza I have to add stuff....pineapple, broccoli, artichokes, or whatever else is handy.
on May 06, 2004

My favorite thing to eat is roast beef, roast potatoes, brussels sprouts, corn, and gravy.  Oh....such good stuff.

I'm with Ted about the frozen pizza, I can't eat them just as they come.  I get a cheese one (usually 4 cheese, oven rising crust) and I'll add muchrooms, peppers, onions..veggies galore and then top it with more cheese.

I also like a combo that I discovered when I was vegan..brown rice, lentils, and onion all stir fried togather.  Fast, full of carbs...the perfect food before a workout.

on May 06, 2004
So, you were a vegan? That's too bad... j/k

I'm not sure if I've said this before, but one of my ex's was lactose intolerant. Do you know what that says to a guy like me? No fun foods!

Capt. over and out!
on May 06, 2004

So, you were a vegan? That's too bad... j/k

Yeah, but I just couldn't resist the lure of a nice rare sirloin.  I try not to eat as much meat these days, usually only once every other day or so. I still drink soy milk...I just prefer the taste of a nice vanilla soy over cow's milk.

on May 06, 2004
food is awesome!!!!

icecream on toast (don't knock it till you rock it)
passionfruit icecream with nerds mixed through it (unbeLIEVable)
icecream with sponge fingers, strawberry topping and malt

actually, icecream in pretty much any form

lime milkshakes
those instant milk coffee drinks you buy, make them with hot milk instead of water and they're brilliant
really good cheese

hm. i couldtotally never be a vegan
on May 07, 2004
I'm totally here for you. If someone ever told me that I HAD to be a vegan, I would have someone shoot me.

Have you ever tried PB&J with honey on it? I don't like honey at all but that combo is awesome!!!

Capt. over and out!

P.S.~ Teeg, where did you come up with these mixes? They all sound so good!
on May 07, 2004
PB&J with honey is the best! That's what I mostly eat in the summer time when I'm at home craving food. It always hits the spot. I'd have to say that my favorite meal is Chicken, with mashedpotatoes, perfurably the ones with cheese, corn, and buscuits. That's like the awesomest meal ever!

on May 07, 2004
Biscuits are a part of your favorite meal? They're so boring. We all know that butter-bread is better!

Capt. over and out!
on May 07, 2004
Yeah i guess you got a point, butter-bread is better than buscuits. But it's not like I'm the one fixing dinner every night. So therefore I don't get to choose what's for dinner unless i'm fixing it. I don't know if it's just me but it seems like I have to have like 4 pieces of bread every day or i go insane! Sounds weird, but that's just me i guess.

on May 26, 2004
as long as your getting your 3-a-day, right?

Capt. over and out!
on May 26, 2004

I'm a 95% vegetarian.  I eat fish about once a week and I only eat other meat about once a month or so (usually only if I am at dinner someplace that there are really no vegetarian options).  I could never be vegan, though- I love cheese too much.

My favorite dinner right now is a boca burger with swiss cheese and portabella mushrooms served on a toasted bun with very light mayo, served with asparagus and then watermelon for desert.

Of course, I am also on a 1200 to 1300 calorie diet, so my food can't get too crazy.  If I ate like CC, I'd weigh 600 pounds by now.  (My metabolism is at a snails pace due to not having a thyroid)....though I wish I could eat like CC 

on May 26, 2004

My favorite dinner right now is a boca burger with swiss cheese and portabella mushrooms served on a toasted bun with very light mayo, served with asparagus and then watermelon for desert.

Oh! Drool-worthy!!

1200-1300 isn't much at all.  I quit counting calories a while ago, it was too depressing.  I just eat what I want..and if I my pants get a bit snug, I either swim more or eat less.