What if my eye was where my lip was, my lip where my nose is, my nose, where my other eye is, my ears, on the top and bottom of my head, and my hair, on the sides of my face?
Would you consider me bad or wrong because I look so different? Would you assume my parents were "bad" people? Would you say that my life will always be empty because I can't do things like you? What would go through your mind if I walked up to one of you and just started talking to you like I knew you all of my life. Would you treat me like I'm "special"?
If you would treat me differently or think of me differently, why? You probably see me as a healthy youth, but what if I wasn't? Would you stop talking to me? Would you stop reading my life stories?
How about if you looked like that? Would you want treated differently? Would you want people saying your parents are "bad" people? Would you want to me saying you're going to have an empty life?
I just want to know? When someone says, "It's what's on the inside that counts." do you take it to the extreme, or do you make exceptions for the really bad cases? How about those people who don't have vocal chords because of smoking... are they an exception? Or maybe someone who has 3rd degree burns all over their body would be an exception.
Just tell me... Do you look on the inside first or the outside? I can't say anything degrating to you, no matter what you say. I tend to look outward, then inward... if it looks good, then I go to the inside for a closer look. If you look bad I tend to take the first look as the last. Don't look down upon me for telling the truth, especially if no one else here can.
Capt. over and out!