My aggressive journey to say a few words. (AKA) I'll be saying stuff that won't matter to many of you but it'll ALL mean something to me.
Published on June 14, 2004 By wnx_decoy In Just Hanging Out
What if my eye was where my lip was, my lip where my nose is, my nose, where my other eye is, my ears, on the top and bottom of my head, and my hair, on the sides of my face?

Would you consider me bad or wrong because I look so different? Would you assume my parents were "bad" people? Would you say that my life will always be empty because I can't do things like you? What would go through your mind if I walked up to one of you and just started talking to you like I knew you all of my life. Would you treat me like I'm "special"?

If you would treat me differently or think of me differently, why? You probably see me as a healthy youth, but what if I wasn't? Would you stop talking to me? Would you stop reading my life stories?

How about if you looked like that? Would you want treated differently? Would you want people saying your parents are "bad" people? Would you want to me saying you're going to have an empty life?

I just want to know? When someone says, "It's what's on the inside that counts." do you take it to the extreme, or do you make exceptions for the really bad cases? How about those people who don't have vocal chords because of smoking... are they an exception? Or maybe someone who has 3rd degree burns all over their body would be an exception.

Just tell me... Do you look on the inside first or the outside? I can't say anything degrating to you, no matter what you say. I tend to look outward, then inward... if it looks good, then I go to the inside for a closer look. If you look bad I tend to take the first look as the last. Don't look down upon me for telling the truth, especially if no one else here can.

Capt. over and out!

on Jun 14, 2004
Well, first I analyze the outside and if I'm not deterred...I'll dig deeper, sooner or later. It all depends on how much I see the person and their attitude....some people are literally a pain in the ass just to listen to....but I'm usually and outside to inside person....I'll eventually learn if the person is good or not....usually guess this counts as an answer to your question....

'Till later,
on Jun 14, 2004
I usually look on the outside, then to the inside, but If the person looks bad, I try not to be judgemental, especially when I don't know the whole situation, but I'll be completely honest, and say that I do look on the outside a little bit more than I should.

Ashlee Ryder
on Jun 14, 2004
So, basically, when someone says that stupid line about the inside deciding true beauty, they aren't saying it because they're ugly or because they're trying to be nice, but just so that others won't get mad at them?

Capt. over and out!
on Jun 14, 2004
I'm honestly gonna say that i look on the inside. I could care less how hott the guy is, but if he doesn't have a personality that i like then i really don't want to talk to him. I talk to you because i like the insides of you. (if that makes ne sense.) If your mouth was were your ear was supposed to be i wouldn't care at all. I'd still like you and be your friend because your personality is so awesome. I can't find anyone with a better personality and attitude towards things than you. And if i looked weird i would want people to look at my inside.

on Jun 14, 2004
I'm sorry, but from personal experiene, I don't think you're telling the truth. We're talking first impressions here. When you go walking around do you see the inside of all the people you meet or do you head for their outer appearance? I would be very surprised to find that anyone seriously does not judge someone through outward appearance first.

Capt. over and out!
on Jun 15, 2004
First impressions are made up (for me anyway) of a combination of appearance and attitude/behavior/expression.

Appearance: Not physical beauty, but more like posture, demeanor, and "projected persona". Clothing, cleanliness, etc.... It's not a great way to judge anyone but in all reality it IS something we all do whether we admit it or not. But it is not always accurate.

Attitude/behavior/expression: Is this a nice person? A mean person? A lunatic? Intelligent? Stupid? Friendly? Aloof? Snobbish? ect.......

It takes a combination of appearance and cognitive assessment to create a first impression. For me, anyway.

I've met some really attractive people who turned out to be very petty, superficial, stupid, arrogant jerks.

I've met some ugly people who were very bright, friendly, caring people.

hmmm, come to think of it most of my friends are ugly. How did this happen? Oh yeah, I'm ugly too.
on Jun 15, 2004
Oh yeah, I just look at some one and if they're ugly i don't talk to them. Yeah that's me alrighty. Trust me, i know a lot of not too pretty people. I don't care what the heck they look like, i mean hey, if they're there and you want to strike up a convo. and maybe get to know who they are then why not? When i first met you, i wanted to get to know you. I know we kinda fought and argued, but eventually we became really good friends. Ok, I'll have to admit, when i first saw you, you kinda freaked me out, but that didn't stop me from wanting to know who you were. Do you get me? It's late , and i don't know if i'm making any sense or not. lol.

on Jun 17, 2004
Ok, I'll have to admit, when i first saw you, you kinda freaked me out, but that didn't stop me from wanting to know who you were.

I don't believe that because I'm pretty sure you were antagonizing me at first. I'm thinking that you are a bit less deep than what you are trying to show on here. I'm sorry if I'm wrong but I just have the strangest feeling you had to have jumped to conclusions about me when you first met me to be so rude to me?

Capt. over and out!
on Jun 18, 2004
Well i wouldnt think of you as a bad person... maybe a freak or a weirdo but never a bad person unless your personality changed too. Seriously though i think the same way as you do when it comes to looks. If you are a total stranger and none of my friends know you then i probably wouldnt give you the time of day, maybe if we pass each other ill just say "hi" maybe a little nod, then ill just continue on my way.

on Jun 19, 2004
"Truth, Beauty, Beauty, Truth" that's how the book cover flaps. 
on Jun 19, 2004
Edmund~ I'm glad you see it the same way I do. I've always wondered if maybe I was just totally shallow for looking on the outside to tell if I'm gonna like someone or not.

Stevendedalus~ I wish I knew what that was supposed to be saying... I'm not sure if I caught the meaning.

Capt. over and out!
on Jun 20, 2004
Well you'd better be sorry Capt. You are wrong! lol. I didn't try to be mean to you. It's kinda weird. We just started fighting and I can't even remember what in the heck we were fighting about. . But I guess that doesn't matter anymore. We're really good friends and that's all that matters.
