what makes each one better?
First up in my comparison is Justice League.
The old one's had more characters and stayed with their true powers. I guess you could say the same for Super Friends and those other older groups like that.
Where as, the new Justice League only has Flash, Superman, WonderWoman, GreenLantern (bad choice for Green Lantern too), Martian Man Hunter (horrible depiction of him), Hawk Girl (why couldn't they keep Hawk Man?), and Batman (I can't really complain much except to say that he's not the leader for some reason in the new Justice league).
Next up is Teen Titans.
The old one's had an awesome Cyborg and they looked serious when they faught.
The new Teen Titans are a joke. Cyborg is a clumbsy, stuborn, muscle bound, dork. Of course, Robin is the leader, like he deserves. The dynamic duo are always the leaders. It's an unwritten rule.
Now, Scooby-Doo.
The old one's were made when the clothes they wore were in style and the people actually acted like them some what. Scooby and Shaggy did all the work even though they didn't on "purpose".
Now the clothes are out of style, momentarily, and people don't really act like that anymore. Now Freddy's plans actually work every now and then.
How about we move to The Transformers? I'm gonna include Beast Wars just because it's in line with the Transformers idea. It's just that Optimus Prime is an ape.
The old Transformers... well, they kicked butt because the idea was ahead of it's time.
The new Transformers... well, they still kick butt because they keep pushing the Autobots (good guys) and Desepticons (bad guys) further into the future the further we move into it.
Transformers is just a great show and looks like it will be for a long time to come.
Speed Racer is up next.
Basically, this is the old anime that started america's addiction, IMO. With the cool action scenes and choppy voice acting, you just have to love the Japanese for bringing this annoying, but fun, cartoon to us.
The new version isn't much more smooth or action packed but the gadgets are a bit more "modernized".
How about some Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
I know we all at least loved the old one. Why? Because it's just simply briliant! Whoever came up with the idea was a geneous. I think that's enough said.
The new stuff though... that's a different story. The new TMNT is too drawn back because of the violence issues we have in the United States. They just can't kick butt as hard as before. It's a pitty we had to ruin such a great thing... 
He-Man is my last comparison for now.
The old He-Man was so cool because a small kid gains super human powers just because he has a sword and "The power of Greyskull!" Kinda always reminded me of Captain Marvel, but anyways... He would always go in and kick some butt with his brute strength and just about always succeeded in doing so.
The new He-Man kept most of that in mind but then tried to make it even better by making the artwork just simply great.
I'm just gonna talk about some "new" shows that are also "old" one's now.
First, is Power Rangers.
The show started out so well too. The big dynosaur robots that combined to kick big butt. What's better than an acted out form of Voltron? I'll tell you... a lot of things once you suck the idea dry in less than 2 years...
Now, we have the Ren and Stimpy type cartoons...
These things are so weird, maybe that's why they're so loved. But all I can really say is that I never really like these kind of cartoons because they didn't belong in my christian boy mind. I was still too fragile when these shows started coming out.
How about some anime? I don't if I shoudl call it new or old because most of it's new for us and old for Japan.
Gundam (put your ending to the name in as you like. I don't have time to write them all down)
Gundam is so sweet! Just think about it. It's a huge war fought in unbelievably agile giant robotic suits. These things each have unique strengths and weeknesses and each one is so awesome to watch do it's thing.
Dragon Ball, Z, GT
Good times. What is this cartoon's claim to fame, you say? It's, nearly, unarguably the greatest action cartoon ever. TMNT may be close, but that's only in America.
Sailor Moon
I might as well include these schoolgirl hotties. Someone mentioned them in my last article so why not make it easy on this person this time?
Sailor Moon just seems like too much a girlie attempt to be kick butt, that turned into a -dare I say it- porn cartoon. If only you knew what I have to sort through to find a good site about anime cartoons...
Alright, I think I've taken up enough time now. If you want me to voice my opinion on another cartoon you feel deserves to be mentioned, among these quality cartoons, then go right ahead. I'm just gonna warn you. If I don't like it I'm not going to be to nice to you for bringing it up. I'm a geek, and you don't fool around with a geek's interests. People have been killed for less. LOL
Capt. over and out!