My aggressive journey to say a few words. (AKA) I'll be saying stuff that won't matter to many of you but it'll ALL mean something to me.
... with me...
Published on July 1, 2004 By wnx_decoy In Life Journals
I was just thinking... I tend to try and be as calm as I can, and not get upset. I don't think I've really been upset enough to hurt someone in around 4 or 5 years. Maybe even longer. I can't remember. My parents are divorced, my oldest sister is a drug addict, she lost her first 3 children to her ex-husband, and her last child; she put up for adoption; is with my uncle. My next oldest sister had a child with a man who already had 2 children and a wife. My mom cries all the time because of all she has to do to keep them from loosing everything, and my little sister and I have a pretty good life other than for these few things.

It seems like no matter how much wrong someone has done to me, I still refuse to get mad. I hardly even show any emotion other than happiness, which I KNOW isn't always what I feel. My voice doesn't show the difference in how I'm feeling most of the time, so even when I am mad no one knows it.

Some little kid was throwing rocks at my car today and the first thing that I did was tell him not to hit the windows. I didn't even get up or try and scare him away. I just told him not to go too far.

Then some other kid jumped into my car and started looking around in it, and I said it was ok because I still had my phone, keys, and wallet on me.

Do you think I have anger-management problems?

There's definitely more things that I could talk about that make me "upset" but don't get to me because I refuse to allow it. Should I just allow my problems to get to me and react with instinct, like most people would? I just feel like my "happiness" is an act that I can't stop performing. I'm not sure if you understand, but if you do could you please give me some advice? This is truly something I need some help figuring out, and I know that my mom doesn't take this seriously enough, because I've asked her about it and she made it seem like I was just joking around.

That's all for now. If you have something to share with me, please let me know...

Capt. over and out!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 04, 2004
That being said, I only act that way towards objects, never people or animals (as a matter of fact, I'm very avoidant when it comes to confrontation).

There are many ways of dealing with anger that do not require confrontation with another person (or animal). My personal facorite is Raquetball. I step into that court, by myself, and just start whacking the hell outta that ball. After a half-hour or so I feel much better (and exhausted).

In the past I used Art to deal with anger (and just about every other emotion I was feeling).

Sometimes meditation and contemplation can expell those negative feelings (at the risk of sounding too new-age).

The point is, expressing your anger does not require channeling it towards people.
on Jul 04, 2004
How the hell is Ryan a brother to you?....Jeeze...he acts like a dick to you most of the must have some strange relationship...if he did half the stuff to me that he does to you...I'd throw him through a third story window...but I guess that's just me...

Well it's a really long story. Everything was fine, untill him and Kaley started fighting. Then he just decided to turn into the so called dick that you think he is.

on Jul 05, 2004
Actually, I'm gonna have to say he's always been that "dick" you've both refered to. It's just that that is, honestly, his way of dealing with things...

Capt. over and out!
on Jul 05, 2004
Actually, I'm gonna have to say he's always been that "dick" you've both refered to. It's just that that is, honestly, his way of dealing with things...

Well, not really when I first met him which was about a year ago in like a week or so. When I first met him was at Ted Lewis swimming pool for this party/banquet thingy for softball/baseball. He was actually really nice. I know that's hard to believe, but it's true.

on Jul 07, 2004
Yeah, he has his moments. But that one time doesn't quite seem to be enough. He's a pain. But he's one of my best friends. I just put up with that stuff pretty well, no biggee.

Capt. over and out!
on Jul 07, 2004
Yeah, he has his moments. But that one time doesn't quite seem to be enough. He's a pain. But he's one of my best friends. I just put up with that stuff pretty well, no biggee.

Yeah i guess so. I wish he would have more of those moments. As of right now he's being the "dick". He hasn't even tried to call me since like 3wks ago. He's always talking to Jess. But it figures.

on Jul 07, 2004
Well, actually Ashley, Byrd has always been a dick. He will always be a dick. I've asked him about it, and he refuses to quit being a dick. Where Brandon exemplifies all of the good merits in the friendship (trustworthyness, forgiveness, caring, calmness), Ryan is quite the anti-thesis. And although I say this behind his back, I'm quite sure he'd agree with me 100%. Byrd deals with his problems that way.

My art and writing release my anger and frustration. Therefore, most of my articles tend to be deep thought type articles because I try to reach down into the depths of my soul and pull out the answers to the questions I have.

If you ever need to vent, I'm here. (I figured that since we are best friends, and, you know, you're kinda like a brother to me too, I'd offer that one up )
on Jul 07, 2004
Actually I DO just call everyone a dude

then dude it is, capt

vanessa XX
on Jul 08, 2004
Well, actually Ashley, Byrd has always been a dick. He will always be a dick. I've asked him about it, and he refuses to quit being a dick. Where Brandon exemplifies all of the good merits in the friendship (trustworthyness, forgiveness, caring, calmness), Ryan is quite the anti-thesis. And although I say this behind his back, I'm quite sure he'd agree with me 100%. Byrd deals with his problems that way.

Ok, I'm going to say this one more time. You guys don't know him like I do. I'm a girl. I have different feelings than what guys are going to. You wouldn't understand, because you were not there when I first met him. You guys have different emotions than what I do. I hope you understand what I'm getting at. And if you don't oh well.

on Jul 09, 2004
So what you're saying, carebear, is that you are naive?

Capt. around and about!
on Jul 09, 2004
There's definitely more things that I could talk about that make me "upset" but don't get to me because I refuse to allow it. Should I just allow my problems to get to me and react with instinct, like most people would? I just feel like my "happiness" is an act that I can't stop performing. I'm not sure if you understand, but if you do could you please give me some advice? This is truly something I need some help figuring out, and I know that my mom doesn't take this seriously enough, because I've asked her about it and she made it seem like I was just joking around.

I wouldn't call it an anger-management problem, because that tends to be used more in terms of those who can't control their anger, and express it in negative ways. Seems like you just have a block of some type when it comes to expressing any negative emotions. The fact that you're asking about it would seem to indicate that it is becoming a problem for you, so perhaps it's time to look into discussing it with someone in a professional capacity.

That's exactly it. I've been told these things all my life but the bible says to remain loving.

But you can remain loving while still giving a voice to all your emotions. There is nothing that says you have to stop loving someone while you are angry with them, or upset by their behavior, or whatever. It's just like I tell my kids: I may not like what you do or say, but I NEVER stop loving you, even when I'm telling you what I think was wrong about what you said or did.

on Jul 10, 2004
Thanks Poetmom. So, would you say that I MAY have a problem, just not the one I think it is? I truly do understand that it could be a problem if I'm asking about it, but doesn't that also mean it could just be me getting too nervous? Maybe I'm over-exagerating... What do you say?

Capt. over and out!
on Jul 11, 2004
I think you're appearantly just a really nice guy. And also, one thats hard to come about. It is good to express your anger, but not over board. I tend to go overboard and then I just blow everything way out of proportion. . . oy vey.. anyways.. just thought I'd leave you a comment cause you made me smile earlier.. Keep looking up. Things will get better with time. and to be honest, I think your "anger" problem, will get better. But like I said, just don't go over board with expressing the anger.

hope it makes sense.. its like midnight and I'm half asleep and my tears are blocking my vision.. ok well not really blocking, just blurring.. oh well... If you ever need to talk, feel free to e-mail me...


on Jul 11, 2004
Yeah, that makes sense, I just don't know how to really explain it.

Capt. over and out!
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