When you used to think about what you wanted to be when you grew you did you say that you wanted to be a chemist who just does his job because he's getting paid well enough to stand it, or did you say you wanted to be a Major League Baseball player who just does his job because it's fun? I'm sure there are reasons behind every choice, no matter how bad a choice you make. I just want to know WHY you wanted the job you have or wish you had.
I want to be a music teacher because I love music and I like teaching others. My mom is a web delevoper because she enjoys being on the computer, it's easy to do at home, and she gets paid right for it. All I'm looking for is the why. I don't care what.
You want to be a fireman? I don't care, I just want to know why, because I'd like to know what feeds most of our desires... Is it the money, fame, satisfaction, fun, diversity, etc.?
So, how about it? Could I get a few couple to tell me WHY they want to be what they are/want to be? I'd really appreciate it.
Capt. over and out!