Ok, let's see if you can see the recuring theme here.
So, one of my friends lost a practice jersey for soccer and so his dad (assistant coach) makes the team run for it.
Another friend's mom decides to yell at her daughter for hugging her boyfriend. Said mother yells, "PDA!" to try and stop said friend.
Now, it get's a bit more close to home...
A teacher gives an F for not being able to find words a student doesn't know.
A coach keeps a player out of the game because he USED to be too slow.
Now, I'll give you 5 seconds to come up with the theme I'm trying to convey.
.........1.........2.........3.........4........5. Ok, so do you have the answer?
It's irrational thought.
What class do these people take to learn this stuff? Honestly, do people just not know when they're being stupid? I typically do. If this is one of those times then I guess I was wrong but is it safe to say that these are good instances of adults acting like little kids?
"My kid's perfect, he couldn't have just misplaced it."
"She's too young to 'love' and he's going to hurt her, so let's kick and scream to try and keep them apart."
"This kid's smarter than I thought, but let's not reward him for it... let's make him feel bad about himself."
"Hey, is looking pretty good now, but I don't want to make the others players' parents mad by not letting them play the whole game."
Is that what these "role models" today think? Please tell me that I'm not going to be that way, if I am than forget about it. I'm becoming a hermit. Going stupid and losing the ability to use reason is out of the question.
Let's recap... SOME adults don't know what they are doing. The consequences? Lowered self-esteem, violent revolts from child/children, negative thinking ingraved into still moldable minds.
*Please note that I said some. This teacher I speak of isn't the only one but not all teachers are like this here. I just choice to use her as an example.*
Maybe I'm making too big a statement but I think that the trend lately has been poor judgement.
Capt.over and out!