My aggressive journey to say a few words. (AKA) I'll be saying stuff that won't matter to many of you but it'll ALL mean something to me.
an original poem
Published on December 23, 2003 By wnx_decoy In Misc
One moment you're on the last lap and you're about to finish.
The next you miss your turn and end up in a ditch.

One moment you're two moves from a checkmate.
The next your knight is gone and your plan backfires.

One moment you're in second place just trying to keep up.
The next your oponent misses his turn and you take the leed.

One moment you feel your king is in trouble.
The next you take a knight and turn the tables.

One moment you think life's treating you right.
The next you realize that only a fool believes he can't be beat.


The one thing you must realize is your life is your life.
"Make it a great day or not, the choice is yours."


Capt. Cornbread ending. Over and out!
on Dec 23, 2003
Yep sounds like my life lol...GCJ
on Mar 29, 2004
Dang I used to be slow at responding.

Is that a good thing Gem? If so I think you got the wrong impression. The idea was the way that so many people *cough* Michael Jackson *cough* can be doing just fine but as soon as they think they're safe they fall on their face and become the target of everything. You know, like if you do good at something and then someone else comes along and puts you in your place. It sucks. I guess that's where I was going with this little guy but it's been so long since I originally wrote it that the message has dies off some.

Capt. over and out!
on Mar 29, 2004
I liked this poem. It was written well, and of course everyone can identify with it. Which is sometimes a good thing (like in this case).
