My aggressive journey to say a few words. (AKA) I'll be saying stuff that won't matter to many of you but it'll ALL mean something to me.
Published on December 23, 2003 By wnx_decoy In Personal Relationships
A friend of mine asked me to explain softserve to her. Well, it's a perverted thing. You know I'm in high school what do you expect? Well, one day one of my friends and I were talking about getting hats from Dairy Queen, which is where he works, and then go cruising in the city strip. We both had girlfriends at the time so we said they could go with us just they had to hide in the back. My friend, Ryan, was trying to think of some pick up lines. The only think that came to my mind was about ice cream since we were going to be wearing DQ hats. So I said that I had one. I don't know why I said anything. I shouldn't have. Anyways, I said, "Hey ladies you want to try my softsreve? *whink*" I still don't know why I thought that was a good one but when I said it he just bust out laughing. I didn't know what was wrong with him. Anyways, the friend that asked me to tell about softserve, Ashley, liked my good friend, Alex. When they started going out Ryan and I started yelling softserve everytime we saw them together. At first neither one knew what we were talking about but once Ashley found out she got extremely mad at us. Now when we see her we say softserve and of course now it's dinda old so it doesn't bother her but we all still laugh about it all the time. Ryan and I still want to go cruise around with that pickup line but we haven't yet. I hope this wasn't a complete waste of your time, but if it was blame it on Ashley. She told me to.
Capt. over and out!
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