My aggressive journey to say a few words. (AKA) I'll be saying stuff that won't matter to many of you but it'll ALL mean something to me.
what are your favorites?
Published on December 23, 2003 By wnx_decoy In PC Gaming
Alright so this really is just my opinion against the rest of the world for the most part. This is what I think though. If I don't give my opinion how can I get someone else's? So here's what I got.

The number one game I've ever played would without a doubt have to be S.C.II. this is probably the greatest fighting game ever. You might disagree with me there but we all know that it is a top ranking fighter.

Then there's my second favorite. We're leaving the video games for this one though. It's an RPG called Werewolf. Basically anytype of animal you can think of can be in this game. I chose a rogue coyote. He's basically the sneakiest character you'll ever meet. Well, most people don't know what i'm talking about so I'll just stop now. If you want to talk about the game that's cool. I'm just going to leave it at that.

Tell me what you think. I want to know what you think about other genres or really anything about any games. I live for playing games. Even card games and boardgames.

Capt. over and out!
on Dec 23, 2003
As far as the RPG's go, I have to say the interesting games really started coming out when I had less and less time to play them. Haven't played a pencil & paper RPG for years, though not out of lack of interest. I keep up best I can and even purchased the most recent versions of the WoC D&D manuals just to see what had changed. (quite a bit from the last time I'd played)

As far as fighters go, I wouldn't actually call ANY fighting game one of the best games ever. (even if it is Soul Caliber II) Trust me, I've spent my fair amount of time playing fighting games.

As far as favorites go, the best game I've ever played? Hell, I don't know. Depending on the mood I guess. Let's start with the Final Fantasy Series for the PSX. (VII, VIII, IX) I really, really enjoyed all three, although VII, and VIII over IX. There was something about them that really made an impact. Maybe I just enjoyed the interactive story. So let's start with that....
on Dec 23, 2003
You know. I really liked those games too. Of course like I said it's my opinion. I like fighting games most. I don't know why I just do.
Yeah, Final Fantasy is good. They came out before I realized what I had been missing out on. I thought FF would be horribly boring. Of course, once I borowed the whole set from my friend I instantly became hooked on it. You see. I enjoy all games except shooters for console. They make me want to vomit. But yeah, even with liking FF I still feel that SCII is my favorite game. I sat in front of the tv and played for nearly 12 hours when I first got it. I obssess over games too easily I guess.
What is your preference to sports games, adventure, or really anything else. I'm glad to get a response from someone who definitely at least sounds to have an honest opinion about which games you play.
Capt. over and out!
on Dec 23, 2003
SC II == Star Control 2?
on Dec 23, 2003
I believe it's actually Soul Calibur 2 Brad.

I like just about any genre, buttend to stick towards PC shooters and RPG's. I shy away from adventure games for the most part. I'll go with the majority as far as best shooter to date (Half Life) but I can't say I've played Dues Ex which many will claim to be the best.

Favorite board game? Ever played a board game called Minion Hunters? It's based on the RPG called Dark Conspiracy I believe. It's basically a team based game with the players against the dark forces kind of thing. Great for the times when you're not exactly in that competitive spirit. OOps got a kid screaming at me, more to come.
on Dec 23, 2003
hmm.. my fav would have 2 be hitman 2 and halflife
on Jan 16, 2004
Best ever: GTA: Vice City and AD&D

Best right now: NFL Street and AD&D
on Jan 16, 2004
I'm more of the sport gamer.

Madden 2004 has got to be the best football/sports game.

But RPG, I'd have to say XIII
on Jan 21, 2004
I'm a strategy gamer.
My favorite game of all time is X-Com closely followed by Front Mission 3. My current favorite is Project Gotham 2. There is strategy in racing.

Galactic Civilizations is also a really good game. You should play it
on Jan 21, 2004
Hmm... the best game ive ever played when it comes to the storyline is ff3. the next one would probably be chrono trigger. im an rpg fanatic.
on Jan 21, 2004
An RPG fanatic huh!? That is definitely my two best friends right there. One of them leads campaigns and the other reads about 'em so he knows exactly what's goin on. Video RPG's aren't quite their thing though. They're pen and paper guys.
on Jan 23, 2004
Booger I agree Chrono trigger was great that would probably be one of my all time favorite rpgs as far as second game would have to be the new metroid prime I think that game is amazing.
on Jan 23, 2004
Oh, yeah. I like metroid prime too. I just can't get anywhere because I'm not good at it. I have just abandoned it pretty much though.

Now, my new favorite is Mario Kart: Double Dash!! i beat it really fast but it's still awesome. I consider myself a diehard Mario Kart fan.

I don't play much of anything but Nintendo products so maybe I am biased but that's just how I am. I can beat just about anyone at mario cart if I get to sit down and get used to the control of the console again. You know like the N64 or SNES controllers.

I don't usually do too good at them but I think if you put a wrestling game in front of me with a good customizing program i can put up a good fight. Now, if you put one of the games for Nintendo that has come out in the last few years except for the newest ones I'm game.

I'm out of juice so... Capt. over and out!
on Mar 29, 2004
Alright, call me behind the times if you want but I finally got myself into the Final Fantasy followers. I just picked up FFX2 from a friend and I have to admit that if this isn't the best then I definitely want the rest of them now.

Capt. over and out!
on Mar 29, 2004
Warcraft 3 and Counterstrike...

Rise of NAtions is definitely approaching the top two positions though

on Mar 29, 2004
I figured I just needed to reply to some of my older stuff to get people replying. I'm glad it worked and I'm glad I'm getting simple replies cause when Brad replies it always hurts my head.

Capt. over and out!