My aggressive journey to say a few words. (AKA) I'll be saying stuff that won't matter to many of you but it'll ALL mean something to me.
Published on December 27, 2003 By wnx_decoy In Philosophy
So here I am. If you want to continue from AOTWU in the direction it was going I think it would be better if we came here. Threead had a different plan in mind for his article I think and maybe I just figured he'd like to get back to what he was trying to do in the first place. I know I started the problems but now I'm trying to not really stop them but at least move them to a "better" location.

on Dec 27, 2003
by the way threead, can i join ur first ten thingy or not?
on Dec 27, 2003
Hey Agnostics have a good balance between religion and nillhism heehee.
on Dec 29, 2003
Legitimate agnostics are not really on the fence. They simply are resigned to the emotional-intellect that they simply don't know and find it perplexing that there are so many that are adamantly confident one way or the other.