My aggressive journey to say a few words. (AKA) I'll be saying stuff that won't matter to many of you but it'll ALL mean something to me.
gemcityjoe, madpoet, and imajinit
Published on December 1, 2004 By wnx_decoy In Just Hanging Out
I'm not exactly sure how would be best to do this but I thought, even though it's a bit late for it now, that I would give out a few thanks to the three JUs that I think have made the biggest/best impression on me so far.

To start with, I'd like to thank GCJ for being there to push me on to write what I like writing about when I first came here about this time in 2002. My first few article that actually got replies almost always had an uplifting comment from gemcityjoe. Thank you for your support.

Now I'd like to thank madpoet. Madpoet was one of the most helpful people for me to talk to last year on here. He made me feel good about what I was writting. The only real problem I face now is trying to find that same writting I had when he first got here. Thank YOU for your love of poetry.

Last, and certainly not least, I'd like to thank imajinit. He's got to be the hardest person to get past with stupid stuff if he's looking at for you. For a nice run there around a year ago he made sure that I didn't say too many contradictory things on here without explanation. I just wish I cared enough to keep watching what I'm saying. Thanks for making me feel totally stupid almost every time you showed your face in an article of mine dude, it really does mean a lot.

Now to get out of the mushy... I'd just like to make sure people realize how much this thing has grown over the past 2 years. When I got here it took like 4 mediocre articles to get passed 100th. Now, my friends from school get here and right 15 good articles and find themselves stuck in like 245th or something rediculous like that. I guess that means I'm not as good at getting my thoughts together as some of them seeing as carebear is right on my tail, zoologist is starting to get scary close to us, and beebles is making a name out of himself. They are all friends of mine and rather terrifyingly they've caught up with me and almost past me on the charts hear... actually i think they've all passed be once or twice on the top blog sites listings.

Through all of that growth I've had a few people step up to let me know that what I'm doing is at least an ok job here. That's what I want to get across in this article, and if I didn't I'm sorry but like I said, I'm not exactly great at putting my words together.

Capt. over and out!

on Dec 02, 2004
I'm sorry, I just realized I closed this article to comments. I have fixed that problem now if anyone just happened to have something insightful they wanted to add.

Capt. over and out!
on Dec 03, 2004
Yea......I dropped a couple spots! lol. Nah.....i've been a real slacker on here. But that's my fault. I do wish MP would come back. I could talk to him like he was my veryown "big brother"
