My aggressive journey to say a few words. (AKA) I'll be saying stuff that won't matter to many of you but it'll ALL mean something to me.
me and my friends
Published on January 5, 2004 By wnx_decoy In Personal Relationships
Hello. I am asuming that most of the people who might read this have read other articles of mine. So this should just be an udate to other events that I've brought up for the most part.
My ex-girlfriend and I are like really close friends now and all of my other friends are as close as ever before.
One of my friends just got dumped by her botfriend (also one of my friends) the same way I was dumped. It's alright though because they seem to be alright.
My christmas was OK I guess. I didn't really get all that I wanted but I got some good stuff. Like a Batman action figure that is actually taller than a Barbie. I also got The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen. I love that movie. If you've seen it tell me what you think.
Yesterday I sat on the computer for over 5 hours just talking to old and new friends. I have met three new friends on the internet over break. I'm feeling pretty good about my life right now and I don't know why but I feel better today than I have in like forever.
Thank you all who tried to give me advice earlier
Oh. And my favorite present wich was not even the most expensive. I got my bedroom redecorated.
Well, I don't really have anything else to say. If you want to talk about anything I'm on quite often so I should
Capt. over and out!

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