Howdy! How you doin today(night)? It's pretty good here.
So, my ways to lose the girls I'm already seeing? Right!
1) Continuously lie to her.
2) Buy her really stupid stuff for anniversaries or holidays.
ex: buy a reese cup for easter (believe me i tried this one out:()
3) The classic stand-up always wroks pretty well.
4) When someone spreads rumors about her laugh about it.
5) Basically, anything we all know you don't do in front of, do it in front of her.
Now, you know I"m going to need to get rid of girls that I'm not seeing that like me, right? Well...
1) Put them down for liking you.
2) Make fun of her whenever you can and even go bellow the belt if you have to-if you know what I mean-
3) Again, do in front of her what you know you shouldn't.
4) One that most likely won't work, just to let you know... show/tell her your flaws.
Now, I have a secret for you. Most people have to much of a heart to do that. Well, so do I. I have only done two of them. The one that I said most likely won't work and the reese thing. That one was just a joke though. I ended up buying her a big comforter that she begged me for. It cost me $40 and in the end she broke up with me out of nowhere and kept it for herself. Of course I didn't want it back so it was cool with me. The problem was when I went to give her a gold plated rose and she broke-up with me before I could get it out of my book-bag. And yes, that one hurt.
Please, don't ever do those things I mentioned because I actually had a friend who did that stupid immature stuff. He was a jerk and pretty much didn't deserve those nice girls he lost.
I can't say that I could ever make myself purposely hurt a women or anything for that matter.
And I have a feeling that Joe is going to read this one just like all the rest of 'em just about. So, if I'm right, hey! I guess I just became acustomed to hearing from him(you).
Capt. over and out!