My aggressive journey to say a few words. (AKA) I'll be saying stuff that won't matter to many of you but it'll ALL mean something to me.
when you're not working
Published on January 26, 2004 By wnx_decoy In Sports & Leisure
Hey, it's me once again. Who's gettin tired of me? Be honest. Apearantly my dog is. He ran away this weekend. Not that it matters but you know...
Ok, I was just wondering what sports or activities any of you are participants in or have been in. Me, personally, I just pretty much like to bowl and play me some soccer. It's kinda weird though because I"m left-handed and I do both right handed/footed.
Do any of you have that kind of problem. It tends to throw people off who know me because either they know I kick right or write left.
Well, anyways, what do you do? I'm kinda tired of all the business stuff. I want to hear the fun side of some people's lives.
Just talk at me. I feel weird talking about doing all this stuff and who knows maybe talking about what you used to do might bring back good memories and make your day a little better. I know when I talk about good times I end up feeling better.
Capt. over and out!
on Jan 26, 2004
When I'm bored, I write. lol no wonder I'm #7;)

on Jan 26, 2004
Howdy Capt. Yeah you did sound a little bored there. Hey ya know sometimes its good to read when you're bored too and not just write. Take me for example. I'm bored so what do I do? Iread your articals, lol. Sports? I'm not much into contact sports but I do like swimming, skiing, sledding, (as long as its not too cold,) and ice skating is fun too. I'm into art too. I like to paint with regular brushes and I also like airbrushing. Pool is kinda fun. Yahoo has a nice pool game. I also like to play conquest online. That would probably bee too boring for you though. You're into the more fast paced video stuff. Have you ever been to They have some nice games there. I play euchre alot there. Well, all for now, Late, GCJ
on Jan 27, 2004
Yeah, i started out reading but then i got bored so i wrote this.
I've never been there before but maybe i can try it out. Gotta get back to class.
Capt. over and out!
on Jan 27, 2004
Yeah its kinda fun looking inside peoples view on things, isnt it? thats why i usually check out articles in this place. as for a way out of boredom, check this out its an article i posted a few weeks back. its titiled "fun things to do when you're bored" heres the address : hope to see more of your articles.
on Jan 27, 2004
When I'm bored I play paintball, read, play guitar, Yahoo pool is nice too, but I have a pool table to practice shots on, also surfing the internet is always good.

Also, along with the fact that I live in Traverse City, I'm bored alot. Movies take away a lot of time. Another thing to do when you're bored is sleep.

on Jan 27, 2004
Well, at least you know what to do when you're bored. I just kind of do whatever comes to mind. A lot of times nothing comes to mind so I do nothing but other times I enteretain myself by doing some stupid stuff like standing at street corners looking up in the air getting drivers to do the same and see if they wreck. I almost got one women to run a red light. I know that's bad but if you would have seen it I know just about anyone would laugh.
Well, maybe not but I laughed.
Capt. over and out!