My aggressive journey to say a few words. (AKA) I'll be saying stuff that won't matter to many of you but it'll ALL mean something to me.
at this point
Published on January 21, 2005 By wnx_decoy In Just Hanging Out
I don't know why I thought of putting this up but I guess I just felt like writting something... anything. This is probably going to be confusing too, because I'm a little tired and I feel almost mooshy.

I was sitting in the movie theater and a thought popped into my head... what will I be doing in a year? I didn't think of much but things to do with Sarah, so hopefully I don't have to erase all of my plans later on. I don't think it will be a problem so I don't mind saying this all that much.

I look forward to going to Florida where I can be with Sarah in the state I was born. I might even be able to show her why I don't mind leaving Florida. It's a nice place but the whether is boring and the people talk funny. Even when I lived there I thought everyone talked funny there.

I look forward to spending many many more hours with Sarah just there. Sarah's presence alone is enough to keep me going.

I look forward to finding someone who will gladly spend the rest of their life with me, and at this point I pray God says that person is Sarah.

I look forward to talking about children, whether it be adopting, the natural way, or not even having any.

I look forward to teaching young people the importance of cleaning out their mouth piece. Trust me, it's uber important.

I look forwad to retiring with my wife and my kids (if any) off to college.

I look forward to dying of old age and going to heaven where I can finally be totally happy and be with my father and my brothers and sisters forever.

I look forward to tomorrow and the rest of my life with the love of my life.

Maybe you got the picture now...

Capt. over and out!

on Jan 21, 2005
Brandon~ I love you. I look forward to the days we will share, cherish each one as we share it, and look back at where we came from. I'm so incredibly lucky. Someday, if God allows, I want to be that person. I am willing to be that person. I wake up each morning, thinking if only he were here to greet the day with me, then my life would be complete. Someday I hope this will be. I never want to live life without you.
on Jan 21, 2005
i tend to go to sleep hoping that someday i'll have someone beside me who i can kiss goodnight after another day in the married life. The comfort that comes at the end of the day seems like it would be enough to keep me going for a long time to come.

Capt. over and out!
on Jan 22, 2005
That is so sweet....*sniff* Sorry, I'm a little choked up. *hrm* Okay, I've regained composure. Man, this is just so warm and fuzzy.....

on Jan 22, 2005
Are you going to make it, Zoo? Sometimes sarandon can't help but be mushy warm and fuzzy. I so knew you were going to AWWWW us to death.
on Jan 22, 2005
Are you going to make it, Zoo?

Yeah, *sniff*...I'll be fine.

on Jan 23, 2005
Okay just checking.