but i'm going to tell you anyhow
I've come to notice that you guys around here either don't know much about me because you don't want to or you just simply haven't been told enough about me. Well, if it's because you don't want to know than this is going to be like watching Power Rangers: Whatever They Come Up With Next! Of course, the way it's going now, there's only going to be one ranger to start with and then he/she is going to have to fight his/her way to find the others.
Well, that opening paragraph was kinda scary, I'll try to keep from that stuff now. We don't want to run into stuff like that again.
Some things that you might now about me:
I am a male
I am part alcoholic (my dad's side of the family) and part pschotic (my sisters) j/k
I have 2 older sisters and one younger
I am the only boy
My parents are divorced
My German Shepherd ran away about a month and a half ago and my mom wouldn't take me to find him
I go to two schools and I do English on the internet
My first name is Brandon
I was born in a hospital...
... in Panama City Beach, FL
My favorite thing to talk about is cheese (then llamas)
My favorite thing to eat is cheese (then llamas)
Now, things you most likely didn't know:
My I.Q. is 149 (I think)
My eyes are blue, hair brown, teeth white, butt numb, and ear itches
I was born medically def
I am far sighted
My favorite color is clear (neon clear to be exact)
I like to rub things in peoples faces, especially when I should stop where I am.
My mom is about 5'2" and my dad 5'7"
I'm 6'0" (the second tallest person that we know of in my family)
I like comic books, cheese, card games, cheese, video games, cheese, and pretty much just collecting things that I can play
with, and did I mention cheese? how about llamas? well I did now!
I can't stand Nascar
I like turning both left and right in parking lots
I don't know when this is going to stop
Maybe it will be soon, just stick with me
When I grow up I want to be just like the real Capt. Cornbread
I'm nearly monotone (I can't here the differences to know that my voice isn't changeing pitches)
I'm soft spoken even when I try to yell ( ??? )
I suck at first person shooters and rock at racing games
Party Games on consoles give me nightmares
This is going to end soon because I'm boring myself
The next time I do something like this I'm going to stab myself in the space in my nostril
I've only written 30 something things about me on this article...
And I'm going to leave it at that
If you would like to share any pointless information about yourself I would love to hear (read) it. Please don't hesitate. I'm not going to do like JeremyG or Trinitie and bash you for being open about yourself. No offense to Trinitie. Lighten up girl! I don't care if Jeremy takes offense now. I nominated him for every award and then when I go to reply to one of his articles, he deletes it. No more mister nice cornhead!
Capt. over and out!