My aggressive journey to say a few words. (AKA) I'll be saying stuff that won't matter to many of you but it'll ALL mean something to me.
Published on July 30, 2004 By wnx_decoy In Current Events
What is wrong with this world? Am I just stupid or was the U.S. Constituition written while under the influence of a God fearing belief?

If the constition was written under those principles than why do the people who are also God fearing, have to refrain from using his holy name in public? People honestly wanted to change our 200+ year old pledge just because it includes the word God. And what's even worse is that I have to sit back and listen to people curse while using God's name. Maybe I'm just a crazy christian that is too blind to no the difference, but I don't think that's it.

I have the strangest feeling our forefathers didn't mean that you can't practice religion in the U.S. just that you can't FORCE your religion upon someone. Saying the pledge is not forcing christian ethics upon anyone, it's just asking Americans to have some respect for their country.

Gays can get married, legally, now. All I have to say about this one is, keep them out of court rooms and churches when doing this, because the church is (or at least mine is) against homosexual marriages. Then you have the court rooms which have the american flag right in your face.

If you haven't noticed yet, I'm a christian and I can't stand the fact that we are letting people like this get away with what they are doing. You don't see me going around yelling at people for not praying, so why yell at me FOR praying? I'm not even speaking for crying out loud.

Oh, and then there's schools... This sucks big one's! You don't have to pledge anymore and the principal can't ask you to take time to pray and/or meditate. I remember, in 3rd grade, we would always do morning pledge and then the moment of silence for prayer or meditation. It was harmless. If you don't want to pray, you had time to sit and think. If you wanted to pray and not feel weird you could. Suddenly, out of nowhere we weren't aloud to do those things anymore. Now, to pray you look like a freak and everyone thinks your a loser that doesn't deserve to have friends.

So, what am I? Am I an idiot for even thinking that God is good? Maybe that's why we're having so much trouble in this world now. People won't accept that God isn't a word to bind you into one religion, but a word to symbolize the greatness of our country... if you won't accept it as a holy being. Or perhaps I'm a psychotic homophobe who can't even function in the same world as a homosexual or bisexual (no real dif.).

Capt. over and out!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 01, 2004
It's impossible. Did you ever see the South Park episode where Kyles mom complains about his participating in the Nativity because he's Jewish? So they have to remove everything from the naitivity that offends anyone..they end up not having a play at all, and some people are even offended by that. You can't please all the people all the time.

Marevelous reference!...In fact I watch South Park "religiously"(heh) That is the situation which we don't least animated characters can show us the results of what can happen if we screw with something....

on Aug 01, 2004
Well, you've all said stuff about how God is forcing Greeks to believe in one god, but isn't it also true that "God" is also what you could call Zeus or Apollo? God CAN be exclusive but it's not. Saying "In God We Trust" pretty much says, for the majority, we believe in a superior being who will aid us in our troubles. Maybe you don't believe in a god but you should at least allow those of us who do, to be proud of it.

Why should it matter what the money says or anything like that? The money is still worth 20 dollars if it says it costs 20 dollars and if someone writes on said money, do they get arrested for it? I've never heard of the case. Just think of it as someone writing "in god we trust" on every dollar he/she gets ahold of. And then if you want to you can write on it too, right? You're defacing it, but who's gonna know?

I haven't forced my religion on a single person here by what I've said, the only way I could have done that is to make you read this article. All I've done is written it in hopes that you would, not in order to make everyone read it, even if they don't want to themselves. You can't honestly say that I've forced anything on anyone. There's been plenty of gay articles on here and I've simply just not read them. I don't have to so I choose not to.

Capt. over and out!
on Aug 01, 2004

Maybe you don't believe in a god but you should at least allow those of us who do, to be proud of it

May be YOU should allow for US who don't believe in a deity to do so and not shove your belief system on us all the time.  How about that?  How would YOU like it if I demanded that all students in public schools contemplate a zen reading every day and that they bowed to statues of the Buddha whenever the passed by?  Would you consider that to be my shoving my belief system on you?  I would. 

It's attitudes like yours, Cornbread, that make me dig my heels in.  The 'we're the majority to you all can kiss our asses' mindset really pisses me off.

on Aug 01, 2004
Well, you've even said that you can't please everybody, but if you can please the majority than you're doing good. I honestly don't see my asking for moments of silence and pledge to the american flag as asking for too much.

Capt. over and out!
on Aug 01, 2004
Ok, I need a point of clarfication cause this thread lost me...who's trying to take the word "God" out of the constitution? I've hear about altering the Pledge, but haven't heard anything about the if someone could fill me in on that, I'd be most obliged.

But now for my 2 cents...

1. I don't have any problem with the "God" being in the Pledge, but by the same token, I don't think anyone should be forced to say it. The big hoopla over the Congressman who didn't say it on the floor of the House was ridiculous--give the man a break, if he doesn't believe, he doesn't believe.

2. I think having the commandments in a classroom or court is entirely different. This is a separation of church and state. The only way that the 10 commandments should show up in a court room is as part of codied US law--we've got laws against stealing and murdering, but not against adultry, having no other God before God, honoring your mother and your father, keeping the Sabbath--until we do, keep it out of the courts. If you want the commandments in the court, work to pass each and every one into law.

3. Yes, Capt. Cornbread, Zeus is a god, but not God. (I'm actually a little weary about bringing in the capitalization debate, but it's slightly relevant, so I'll throw it out there and run for cover!).
on Aug 01, 2004
Shades, I think that it would be awesome to include most of the comandments, just not the first few because then we'd have a constitutional conflict.

Capt. over and out!
on Aug 01, 2004

I honestly don't see my asking for moments of silence and pledge to the american flag as asking for too much.

Well, you wouldn't, would you?  Because you're a member of the majority, who think that everyone else can bend to your will, or we can..get lost, for want of a better word.  I'd still like to know your thoughts on my shoving my belief system on you.

Shades is right.  No-ones talking about the Constitution, we're talking about the use of the phrase 'under god' (please not the lower case letters) in the Pledge of Alleigance.  I don't think that my child should have to say 'under god' if she doesn't believe in god.  Believe it or not, not believeing in the monotheistic version of god doesn't make you a lesser, or a bad person.

I alos agree with Shades in thinking that we have enough biblical values instilled in our legal system, we don't need them entering the classroom as well.

I so didn't get the comment about 'constitutional conflict' to explain?


on Aug 01, 2004
Just raising a small question if I could....

Are the biblical values in the commandments bad?

I alos agree with Shades in thinking that we have enough biblical values instilled in our legal system, we don't need them entering the classroom as well.



on Aug 01, 2004

No, they're not 'bad' per se.....they make up the basis of the judicial system in this country - but the US has resolved to keep church and state separate, and bringing them into the classroom violates that resolution.



on Aug 01, 2004
Wow, I totally agree with you Capt. I think that there should still be time to pray in classrooms at schools. I think that the last time I remember praying in a classroom was in the 5th grade. You didn't have to pray if you didn't want to. I always enjoyed that part of the morning, but now because of a stupid law i'm not able to do that in school anymore. It's not like they were forcing you to pray or something. You can't even realate God into a school subject anymore. Well at least in most classrooms. I mean sure some of the people might not believe in the same God, but still. "In God We Trust" well my opinion on that one is, if you don't trust in him then why don't you just ignor the statement, it's not like anyone is forcing you to trust in God. As for the gay and lesbian's just totally wrong. That's how I was raised and my church also forbids anything to do with homosexual relationships. If you want a kind of relationship such as that then do it somewhere as long as it is not in a church. And you should absoulutly not ever use God's name in vain.(sp?) Even if you don't believe in him. It's wrong and the people that do believe in him would rather not hear you use it in such a way.

on Aug 02, 2004
What's the point of a church or chapel if eveyone goes around chanting verse in the public square? You want to pray?-- do it at your bedside or in church. When the helll are people going to realize politics and religion don't mix.
on Aug 02, 2004
What's the point of a church or chapel if eveyone goes around chanting verse in the public square? You want to pray?-- do it at your bedside or in church. When the helll are people going to realize politics and religion don't mix.

Yes, but you should be able to pray when ever you feel like it. What if you wanted to pray for something bad that has happened and it just so happened to be a tuesday at school? So are you going to just wait to pray untill you go to bed or untill you go to church on Sunday? It might be too late.

on Aug 02, 2004
Carebear, there are currently no provisions for students to launch into spontaneous prayer whenever theyre scared that the principal is going to kill them for not doing their homework. Thank God because otherwise kids would just pray as an excuse to avoid getting an earfull from the teacher. "Simpkins!!! What is the..." "Hang on Mr Blow, I have to pray before you scold me". If you wanna pray, do it on your own time.
Ive just read this whole discussion so I cant remember who said what, but by having prayer in schools you are indeed causing problems for those who dont believe or participate. A Moslem parent recently told me how her child had recently come home from her day in a Catholic school to tell her mum she didn't want to be a Muslim anymore. Upon furthering question, and knowledge of the child, the parent discovered this was not because of any shift in faith. In fact, the child was too young to know much about either faith. It was because she couldn't make any friends. The reason she made no friends was that she did not go along to the Religious Ed classes and the other kids mocked her for this. She was made to look like a freak because she didnt participate in prayer. If you want to indoctrinate your kids, do it on Sundays. I pray but Im not about to make everyone else take time out of their education to pray along with me.
As for gay marriages, sure, keep it out of the churches that dont want it. But theres no reason to keep it out of the courtrooms. They are US citizens engaging in legal activity. As for religion, keep it out of the classroom.
on Aug 02, 2004
Hmm.. id like to ask a question.

What if the muslims of your country wanted to include their form of prayer in your schools, or the buddhists wanting to chant verses of the Dharmapada, how about the Hari Krishnas wanting to chant their mantras before the start of school.. Cornbread..what would you think then?

As for gays getting married, well maybe the straight community needs to concentrate more on their own marrages not ending up in divorce than freaking out because two people whether man and woman man and man or woman and woman who love each other want to declare their love before their God (whoever that may be for them) and their families. The issue that needs to be addressed is the issue of love and people who love each other, which is a beautiful thing and needs to be promoted. What is sad about our community is that most people think the lives of gay people are what they are shown to be in the media for example, Queer eye, Queer as folk or even movies such as Pricilla. Its not all about sex or promiscuity, alot of it is about love and acceptance. The debate about gay marrages is more about equality. We need to see all humans as equals who deserve equal rights. Without this then there is a hierachical society of people thinking always that they are better than anyone else. This is what causes wars and injustices in society.

on Aug 02, 2004

What if the muslims of your country wanted to include their form of prayer in your schools, or the buddhists wanting to chant verses of the Dharmapada, how about the Hari Krishnas wanting to chant their mantras before the start of school.. Cornbread..what would you think then?

I asked a similar thing, and i have yet to recieve a response.

Carebear - why are homosexual marriages wrong?  Did you make the decison to label them thus on your ownm or are you doing it becuase that's what you pastor and the bible and everyone in your church says?  If you did it for the latter...well, then jesus was right when he called his followers 'sheep'.

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