My aggressive journey to say a few words. (AKA) I'll be saying stuff that won't matter to many of you but it'll ALL mean something to me.
or at least why i am
Published on December 24, 2003 By wnx_decoy In Personal Relationships
We all know that teenagers have identity problems. I know and I am one of them. We come up with stupid nick names and eceryone has a good time with it. Once you think about it though you really can't identify one teenager from another. I have a few of my own. One of course being Captain Cornbread. Another one of my more usten used nicknames is Batman. We come up with these alternate names to make ourselves feel closer to our friends. When I call my friend Ryan Byrd "Bird" I feel more like a good friend of his. Lately I have noticed that I don't know nearly all the people who know me. I walk around and out of nowhere someone yells Batman. I know exactly who they are talking to.
Then of course there's the rovolting problems we offer. As the future of this country many of my friends feel that if they act a certain way the adults will see how they act and allow it since in the future we'll be making them do it anyways. I feel thatis one of the many reasons why we rebuke teachers and religion so often. We don't know to be told what we will turn into when we get older. My ex-girlfriend always said that she was non-denominational but you know what she was relly saying is that she didn't want to settle with the way her parents live because they're not cool. We all want to be the best. I'll admit to it, when I get the chance I will always take it. What I'm talking about is the chance to outshine the others. All my life I've been criticized for doing things wrong.
That leads to my next "point". Teenagers as a whole want to be the best at something. We were all taught taht we were the best at what we do. That might be were you get all of your weird professions like extreme-atheletes and rock artists. we don't sit around and say "Hey, I want to be a mediocre business person when I grow up!" We all want to have teh best and do the least for it. If it pays well and has a lot of props we want the job, so we take up being doctors and professional athletes as a good idea. We don't think about how unlikely it is that we'll make a name for ourselves. We just want everything to be as easy in the "real world" as it is in school.
Say what you want but it's not just teens of today that don't know what the want and don't know what its really like "out there". It has alwaysbeen that way and will continue to be that way as long as there is technology in this world.
Give US a break. All we are doing is being like our parents. All you adults out there know it and are afraid because you know what happens to us. Just let us go and we'll make the same mistakes all teens have made. Keep ahold of us and we'll still make the mistakes but at least you can warn us and maybe teach us what it's like. Don't try to make our desicions. I like my life and maybe we all do to some degree no matter how much we say we don't. If life wasn't the way it is for us then we wouldn't know what to do. Thank you to all you parents that don't let your kids do what they want and not being cool because you're going to make a difference somehow if you keep it up. Shame on all the parents who say go do what you want I don't care. We need you to care. We need the guidance. If you can't handle it keep your pants on we don't need you bringing up kids. Don't take me wrong your kids might be great kids but it's because of someone else if you just let them do what they want. You're not helping. So really I'd like to say thanks to who ever cares and sticks with disciplining children.
Tell me what you think about what I had to say if you want I want to hear some criticism. It builds character in me. Peace!
Capt. over and out!
Comments (Page 1)
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on Dec 24, 2003
Being 38 I found most teenagers too be more mature than adults ~grins~ especially the new breed. All I can really say is please vote! And please research your candidates! I will be voting for Kucinich is the Republicans don't make him disappear in a plane crash or car wreck.
on Dec 24, 2003
Yours is the first article I have read by someone younger than 21 who makes sense, doesn't litter their article with obscene language, and solicits opinion and advise/desent.
First off us old folk were once young, life was a lot simpler when we were, innocence was still viable at the age of 16.
I really fear for my teens future, there is to much information/disinformation available, and the cost of your mistakes is much greater than their price in my youth.
Stay strong in your personal values and beliefs, you seem to be on a great start ( probably backed up by a good parent or two ).
I look forward to your future post.
Merry Christmas.
on Dec 24, 2003
Thank you dynosoar. Yo don't know how much that means to me to hear someone say they understand me. I don't get that too often. I always thought that it was supposed to have been harder back in the day though. Well at least I've recieved a second opinion.
I would also like to thank OccultPizza. I guess being a teen all I ever here is the bad things that people have to say about us. I'm pleased to here that you think that things are looking up for us.
Whether you both believe in it or not I'd just like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
on Dec 25, 2003
Hi Captain,

Never forget that the only thing unsharable is experience. You always have to learn from your own mistakes. Your right to poit that you need support from your parents. Moreover you need their love, and they need your.

Merry Xmas
on Dec 25, 2003
just for the record, im a teenager 2. Do u guys seriously not understand me? ive posted ALOT of comments in the politics section. I realli enjoyed ur article. The only section i disagree with cornbread is the idea that wanting to be the best at something is negative. I personally believe that competiton is not only positive, but nessasary to create a society that is progressive. How r we suppose to kno we're doing a good job without seeing the guy next to us fail?
on Dec 26, 2003
"How r we suppose to kno we're doing a good job without seeing the guy next to us fail?"

Simple answer? Because if you do a good job. YOU KNOW YOU DID A GOOD JOB. Unless it's something you've never done before - and seeing the person next to you failing won't tell -you- if you did a good job or not.

Another great irony of the world? You can do a good job, you can do a /great/ job - and still 'fail' - depending on the circumstances.
on Dec 26, 2003
You know, I have no idea what your point was but if it is even remotely close to what it sounds like I agree. At the same time I disagree with how you put it. All day I sit at a desk be it a school, office, or personal computer desk and always wonder why I'm sitting at that desk. Is it because I want a good paying job that will take long hours in school and at an office? NO. I want to do what I want to do. I don't really care if someone else "failed" at something. Really that's what most start-up businesses are right? "He didn't do very well. I bet I can do better." And to be honest if someone else failed at something I'd try to figure out what he/she did wrong and improve on it if I can. I prefer doing stuff how I think it would work for me without thinking about how it works for others.
If I only stay in business a few days it would be a success to me for at least being in business. Like I said. I don't know exactly what you were trying to say but that's really kind of what I meant.
on Dec 26, 2003
i think i phrased my statement wrong wut i meant was how do we no we did a good job if we have no standard of comparison... eg the person next to us
on Dec 26, 2003
Hello! I was a teen not that long ago (I'm 23 now), so I know where you are coming from. I felt completely misunderstood "back then", but now, looking back, I think that was just my *perception* of the world around me, and not what was really going on. Definitely do what you want to do, and always try to do your best, but not at the expense of others. Have fun in the transition to "adulthood"!!

on Dec 28, 2003
Capt. You're awsome dude, why can't more teenagers be just like you. I hate it when I click on to read a good story and all there is to see is filth and gutter and prison talk. Whats up with all that? Thats the one thing bad about JoeUser. There is alot of great stuff to read on here but who wants to dig to the bottom of the garbage can to get to it? I know I can always count on you for interesting and clean stories. Thats why I read you alot. GCJ
on Dec 28, 2003
Well why would I have people listen to garbage about how they went to boot camp or something like that when I don't want to hear about it. I apreciate your opinion over just about anyone else's opinion because you always have something good to say. Thanks dude.
And the stories about me driving. My sister once wemt around a turn and lost control and ran into a telephone. Not just ran into it but went up the pole. We came crashing down on top of it and all I did was laugh. I don't know it kind of tickled when we were in the air one moment and craching back down into our seats the next. I mean I was kinda scared but for the most part I was dieing laughing. My school bus came by as soon as it happened and one of my friends came out to see if we were ok and was still laughing when he came over and asked if we were ok. She said yes while she was crying about her car and I said yes while crying from laughter.
It was hilarious and all he could do is scratch his head and tell the bus driver we said we were alright. It was great. All I could do is sit laughing while we waited for the police and my mom to get there.
Well, that's all have for now.
Capt. over and out!
on Dec 29, 2003
Yeah we weny crashing through a 30' pole once. I wasn't driving, my younger Uncle was. There was a piece taken out of the middle of the pole where we went through it. Trust me, none of us were laughing. GCJ
on Dec 31, 2003
Ok what's wrong with effin' swearin'? j/k.

JEPEL: There are like, 2 kinds of experience: sensation, and the ideas that your brain processes out of sensory input. Different people can go through the same thing, but they may not necessarily process it in the exact same way.

Ideas however, can be shared and passed on; it is the accelerated evolutionary process we all go thru as we teach each other, or pre-emptively concoct theories internally.

As we all can see though, teaching requires a unique approach for many people in order for the knowledge to be absorbed+processed effectively. THAT's the problem we face with every interpersonal conflicts, especially with parents trying to show their kids the "right way" and coming off as totalitarians despite the possibility that their efforts were of genuine sincerity.

I've been reading too much Locke lately.

Machiavelli: wouldn't it also qualify as a "good job", to know that you've helped your colleage succeed like you do? Ironically, cooperation is part of having a healthy competition. After all, a fair competition is not about putting the other guy down, but rather, letting everyone give their best performance and seeing who gets to be on top by doing so.
on Jan 01, 2004
i think you guys took my last sentence a little too seriously.....
on Jan 01, 2004
yeah, well I think you'd agree that Machiavelli himself was known for a buncha controversial philosophies on life...
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