My aggressive journey to say a few words. (AKA) I'll be saying stuff that won't matter to many of you but it'll ALL mean something to me.
Published on November 8, 2004 By wnx_decoy In Misc
This week marks the beginning of my public speaking unit in senior skills. I think death by beebles is in this class now too, and he should know what I'm talking about. We have to debate in class and the only problem is that the only people that want to team up with me are people that believe what I believe on the issues at hand.

I'm going to end up failing because everybody wants to please just a few people in our society. The mindless drones that infest our school systems are driving me insane. Only a few people have the creative edge that most companies want anyways.

I'm tired of watching kids just accept the standards that the "in crowd" has created. They are the only reason why stores like Abercrombie and Fitch are still around. The clothes come warn out and they are just simply tacky. There's no style you can create for yourself out of those boring clothes.

I am just afraid that I'm going to end up debating something and all I'm going to get back is "well, that's gay!" out of the people trying to argue with me.

Maybe if the teachers allowed students to express themselves every now and then we would be in this predicament. Painting and Singing is always enough. Sometimes you need to be able to "act" out what you're feeling. The only problem there is that the faculty wouldn't know what to do in that situation.

I wore a poncho, a PONCHO, into school one day and took it to my first period class. My first period teacher just thought I went insane and that I wasn't being "a very good leader". What does wearing a poncho have to do with leading people? Then my principal yells at me to take it off. It violates no school policy and yet he stills thinks I'm better off taking the poncho off. Later on he tells me that he liked it but that it was not appropriate for school.

Now, I ask you... Why is wearing a jacket, or a shirt that advertises for a company like American Eagle appropriate but a poncho isn't?

Can anyone tell me this? There is no logical reason why a poncho is less appropriate than a pair of Levy Jeans.

Please comment if you please, but I wouldn't be surprised if the majority decided to agree with me. I mean, I am the "leader" in this instance after, why not agree with me, right?

Capt. over and out!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 08, 2004
Ok, here's something:
"In our system, state-operated schools may not be enclaves of totalitarianism. School officials do not possess absolute authority over their students. Students in school as well as out of school are 'persons' under our Constitution."
Justice Abe Fortas, Tinker v. DesMoines (1969).

So let me rephrase, since my generalization was incorrect: students have rights, they just don't extend to your ability to wear whatever you want.
on Nov 08, 2004
Student Bill of Rights? What government organization on the Federal level defends this Bill?

Sorry, I shouldn't have capitalized. What I meant was most schools have their own bill of rights or code of conduct governing students' rights and responsibilities. Students are not without rights and there are organizations such as the ACLU that will defend them..

My point was mainly that
schools may not be enclaves of totalitarianism

on Nov 08, 2004
Well, bring up a good point, as you often do, and I can at least come up with one reason why our "beloved" principal made you take it off simply because of this equation.... Our Principal+Student expression=Principal 'Fuckhead'. A poncho is no violation of any school policy, but of course this is the same dumbass principal that wants to blow $2,000 on a useless electric sign for our school, or so I've heard from the student council reps in my class. As for the trends with the stupid clothes...they'll always be there, some people have no idea what they want or how to express themselves so they become posers, slaves to the general mass and lose thier own identity. You can pity them, though they do not care...they become totally and utterly consumed with being accepted that they don't remember how to live freely and have are the slaves of common culture.

As for the anal retentive people on here about spelling....lay off, I'm a grammar freak too, but you don't have to pick apart the whole article and try and tear down people just because of misspellings. Did it ever occur that he was tired and didn't proofread and plug it into a spell checker?....just let it be, at least you guys got the message....

on Nov 08, 2004
Zombie~ Do you really think I care what you have to say about my spelling? I've been made fun of for who knows how long for it. Spelling just doesn't click with me, but don't ever insult my intelegence you dick! If you can't handle how I'm spelling then just troll me or something. Don't be so imature as too insult someone's intelegence without actually knowing the person.
Just so you can stop crying now... the poncho was clear. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it either.

Geezer~ You know, that's really cool because I was telling all of my friends in the class to try and argue the point they disagree with because it will actually make it less stressful. Then you'll most likely understand both sides enough to truly debate it. Thanks for the kind words.

Beebles~ Thank you too. I totally understand what you're saying but I'm gonna have to say that anybody who can't feel free to express themselves in America needs to research historic artists. When they read what these people have gone through they'll understand that what they're doing (holding themselves back) is just ignorants at it's best.

Alison Watkins~ Thank you, that was a great reply that I honestly am going to have to give an insight for. I've only done that to one other person so far so please take this as a token of my gratitude.

Jamie~ What does it matter? How about this... I'll change the title for you. Then will you get over your "pet-peeve"? That's a stupid one to have, IMO, anyways. You get all out of whack because someone used an apostrophe? But, if that's what floats you boat... what can you do?

Dharma~ Why is it that you guys think I dressed this way for attention? I do what I do because I have fun doing it. I was playing on a swing set the other day and some lady started yelling at me because I was loidering. How on earth is having fun, swinging on a swing set loitering? I mean, I was by myself having fun. I know people don't do that too often anymore but that's because too many people think they have to act a certain way. I'm here to say they don't have to. Nobody made a law saying that all americans must "act their age". What kind of statement would that be anyways? Who decides how you're suposed to act? Out of character for me would be cussing out a teacher. Dressing a certain way because it felt good at the time is not. Obviously you need to spend more time reading mine and my friends' articles.

Hamster~ No, no riots yet. If they keep trying to tell me I can't dress in something as innocent as a poncho I just might want to start one though. Dude, you are so right. I mean, I don't think I've learned anything but a few new words so far this year. One of which is STOPE.

One more thing for zombie... if you're worried about how I'm spelling then why don't you try and see it my way... spelling and grammar are nice, but until you can't understand what I'm trying to say, I really don't care if I mess up.

Capt. over and out!
on Nov 08, 2004
Wow, I thought I was making my point well, but you helped me so much more than I ever could on my own by calling me "dick". Thanks for that.
And here's where I end the discussion - I wear whatever the hell I want, whenever I want. You can't. And when you, your mother or father come to ME for a job, their inability to spell basic English words means I'll kick their unemployed asses to the curb.

Have fun getting evicted because Burger King won't pay enough to support you. At least that poncho will keep you warm.
on Nov 08, 2004
Wow, zombie. That was mean.
on Nov 08, 2004
Hey, life is tough. I guess I know not to expect a thank you note from the Captain for paying his welfare.
on Nov 08, 2004
Wow, that was a horrble effort on your part little man. For your inforrmation, my mom is a web designer who makes around 30 dollars an hour for one person and around an average of 50 for her other clients. I really just don't think you know what you're talking about you freaking prick!

What does me calling you as a see you prove? The way I see it, you should respect the future, it sucks if you try and fight the coming of age. When you retire just remember this, I help decide if you get anything when you get to that age or not.

That's not a threat. It's just an uneducated kid reminding you of what you should already know.

Capt. over and out!
on Nov 08, 2004
And although I loathe to explain it ONE MORE TIME, ponchos are NOT allowed in school because they allow students to easily hide weapons. Why is that so hard to understand? You've picked an item of clothing that has been worn by kids that mass murder other students! They wore trenchcoats and ponchos because they could hide weapons! To prevent kids from hiding weapons, ponchos and trenchcoats aren't allowed anymore! Pick another item of clothing!

Dont count on deciding anything for me, I'm well on my way to financial security. Besides, you have to know how to SPELL to read the signs to get to the voting booth!
on Nov 08, 2004
...and just to make sure you got it... you aren't paying anything for me. I don't know how you got the impression that my parents are dumb. My dad isn't in a field of intelegence but I'm sure you'd like to have roads to drive on and a house to sleep on, maybe you'd even like to thank him for giving you a possible home and most likely a road to drive on.

Thanks zombie. You helped me to realize that the kids I can't stand now turn into the kind of person I hate... self-absorbed pigs.

Capt. over and out!

P.S.~ do try and find comfort for whatever that is up your butt!!
on Nov 08, 2004
Hey, all Ive got to say is you cleaned the spelling up. Heh.

Call me whatever you want, you still gave in.
on Nov 08, 2004
So does this mean that the amount of money we earn determines our intelligence and self-worth? If so, I'm screwed.
on Nov 08, 2004
you have to know how to SPELL to read the signs to get to the voting booth!

Well, not really...people can fail spelling test but they can read....and you don't have to even be literate to vote fact you can be blind and still vote.

ponchos are NOT allowed in school because they allow students to easily hide weapons

That's not in OUR school rulebook and I believe the good Capt. said it was a CLEAR poncho.

As for spelling.....everyone messes up...this is the internet...I've seen retarded monkeys spell better than some of the crap I've seen.....


on Nov 08, 2004
Dude, obviously, I can read fine. Get over it already! I can't help it that you were wrong about me!

Capt. over and out!
on Nov 08, 2004
He cleaned up the spelling. Good job taking my advice. Later guys.
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