This week marks the beginning of my public speaking unit in senior skills. I think death by beebles is in this class now too, and he should know what I'm talking about. We have to debate in class and the only problem is that the only people that want to team up with me are people that believe what I believe on the issues at hand.
I'm going to end up failing because everybody wants to please just a few people in our society. The mindless drones that infest our school systems are driving me insane. Only a few people have the creative edge that most companies want anyways.
I'm tired of watching kids just accept the standards that the "in crowd" has created. They are the only reason why stores like Abercrombie and Fitch are still around. The clothes come warn out and they are just simply tacky. There's no style you can create for yourself out of those boring clothes.
I am just afraid that I'm going to end up debating something and all I'm going to get back is "well, that's gay!" out of the people trying to argue with me.
Maybe if the teachers allowed students to express themselves every now and then we would be in this predicament. Painting and Singing is always enough. Sometimes you need to be able to "act" out what you're feeling. The only problem there is that the faculty wouldn't know what to do in that situation.
I wore a poncho, a PONCHO, into school one day and took it to my first period class. My first period teacher just thought I went insane and that I wasn't being "a very good leader". What does wearing a poncho have to do with leading people? Then my principal yells at me to take it off. It violates no school policy and yet he stills thinks I'm better off taking the poncho off. Later on he tells me that he liked it but that it was not appropriate for school.
Now, I ask you... Why is wearing a jacket, or a shirt that advertises for a company like American Eagle appropriate but a poncho isn't?
Can anyone tell me this? There is no logical reason why a poncho is less appropriate than a pair of Levy Jeans.
Please comment if you please, but I wouldn't be surprised if the majority decided to agree with me. I mean, I am the "leader" in this instance after, why not agree with me, right?
Capt. over and out!