So, I really don't have any direction for this post. I'm just looking for someone to talk to about console, video games. Preferably GameCube or PS2. I just got done beating Mario Kart:Double Dash! It's a fun game up until the time that you beat it. Then it just seems like any other game that I've beaten. The only game I have that I have not beaten is Metroid Prime and that's just becasue I got lost and I just stopped playing it. Then again. Most of the games I buy are short games like mostly ...
Alright so this really is just my opinion against the rest of the world for the most part. This is what I think though. If I don't give my opinion how can I get someone else's? So here's what I got. The number one game I've ever played would without a doubt have to be S.C.II. this is probably the greatest fighting game ever. You might disagree with me there but we all know that it is a top ranking fighter. Then there's my second favorite. We're leaving the video games for this one though. ...
This is most definitely a step in the right direction I think. My school, actually, both of them have gaming clubs now. They are clubs where you play RPG's at every meeting and we play all diferent kinds too. Like right now we have a war RPG and a Werewolf game going on. We create our own game boards and everything like that. In facr we have to make our own boards and buy our own stuff like dice and game peices. I am just going for the pencil and paper RPG's but I guess I can watch the others ba...