A friend of mine asked me to explain softserve to her. Well, it's a perverted thing. You know I'm in high school what do you expect? Well, one day one of my friends and I were talking about getting hats from Dairy Queen, which is where he works, and then go cruising in the city strip. We both had girlfriends at the time so we said they could go with us just they had to hide in the back. My friend, Ryan, was trying to think of some pick up lines. The only think that came to my mind was about ice ...
Hello. I am asuming that most of the people who might read this have read other articles of mine. So this should just be an udate to other events that I've brought up for the most part. My ex-girlfriend and I are like really close friends now and all of my other friends are as close as ever before. One of my friends just got dumped by her botfriend (also one of my friends) the same way I was dumped. It's alright though because they seem to be alright. My christmas was OK I guess. I didn't re...
Howdy! How you doin today(night)? It's pretty good here. So, my ways to lose the girls I'm already seeing? Right! 1) Continuously lie to her. 2) Buy her really stupid stuff for anniversaries or holidays. ex: buy a reese cup for easter (believe me i tried this one out:() 3) The classic stand-up always wroks pretty well. 4) When someone spreads rumors about her laugh about it. 5) Basically, anything we all know you don't do in front of, do it in front of her. Now, yo...
Ok, so, my best friend and one of my other good friends are going out. They've been going out for about 3 months now and all of a sudden she decides that she kinda wants to break up with him. It's not that she doesn't like him it's that he doesn't ever talk to her and she kinda likes two other guys that do talk to her a lot. I didn't know this part until last night, but aparently I was the other guy she liked who she likes to talk to. I thought she was talking to me about all of this stuff just ...
We all know that teenagers have identity problems. I know and I am one of them. We come up with stupid nick names and eceryone has a good time with it. Once you think about it though you really can't identify one teenager from another. I have a few of my own. One of course being Captain Cornbread. Another one of my more usten used nicknames is Batman. We come up with these alternate names to make ourselves feel closer to our friends. When I call my friend Ryan Byrd "Bird" I feel more like a good...
I don't get it my parents brought me up to be a good person. I try to be I really do. My ex-girlfriend who just recently broke up with me dicided that the best way to tell me she didn't want to go out with me anymore was to tell me that her mom made her feel guilty. We had been going out for, oh, I don't know, about three months when she dicided that she just simply didn't like me anymore. I can't believe I'm about to say this but the guy she likes now is way out of her reach. He is one of the...
I have this strange fasination with taking tests to see how close the doctors can come to how I really am. So far I think Tickle does a pretty good job. The most recent test I took was to see what personal quality makes me most unique. One such test can be found by going to Link I would encourage everyone to go and try the test out. Below, is what Tickle had to say about me... Brandon, your most unique quality is that you're unusually Personable You come to life when you're...