I'm sure there are some of you who haven't like Sir Peter Henry Maxwell IV since he arrived and I'm sure there's those of you who HAVE liked him from the beginning. But I doubt there's many of us here who can say that he went from being the one person on here that you wanted to ruin, to being the one person that you look up to the most as a writer (blogger). Well, I'm officially one of the few to do the last one. I am using this article as my way of saying that I want to join FOSP. The only t...
You all know the way I usually blog. Well, I thought I'd try to go back to my original way for once just to see if I still can. So, here we go... This is a poem I wrote in school one day when I was thinking about the great series of books; known as, the Left Behind Series. Well, I personally haven't even read the first one, but I can tell you what happens in the end. God wins! 'Nough said. So, without further distractions... WHEN HE COMES When he comes where will you be?
I recently realized how many people only like me because I'm "funny". I was a little upset that even my best friends would feel that way. But then I realized it was my fault. It's my fault I've not proved my loyalty, seriousness, and all of those other traits that I have. All anyone else ever did, was see what I do and think that's the only thing I like to do. That thing I usually do is just goof off. I really don't do much but that around my friends and so that's what they think I am mad...
I was just thinking... I tend to try and be as calm as I can, and not get upset. I don't think I've really been upset enough to hurt someone in around 4 or 5 years. Maybe even longer. I can't remember. My parents are divorced, my oldest sister is a drug addict, she lost her first 3 children to her ex-husband, and her last child; she put up for adoption; is with my uncle. My next oldest sister had a child with a man who already had 2 children and a wife. My mom cries all the time because of al...
First off, let me tell you something... I'm a Christian. I figured the best way to understand why these things were going on was to check it out for myself. I went to take a spiritual gifts test that I felt God was asking me to take, and found a lot of help I was not expecting. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I would recomend you read the first part of the article. Basically, it's just that I don't get mad but should... This shows what my "spiritual strengths" are... Spiritua...
When you walk into a quiet room and you know it's that way because of something you've done, what do you do? Do you ignore everyone and add to the selince? Or maybe you start trying to talk to everyone in hopes of getting their mind off of it. Maybe you could just try and please everyone be just leaving them alone and praying that whatever you did wrong will be in the past by the time you've returned to the room again. I've decided to go another route that may be garder to deal with. I've ...
Band camp is finally over. I love going but love coming home even more. Like I said, I have stories to share... I know that some of my friends have some too, so I'm not going to try and tell them all, just some of the one's closer to me. So, first off, I have to explain something... When you're out in the sun all day long and then you stay up until 11 at night, you tend to start acting kinda weird after a while. Monday started out pretty good except for the fact that I ate 8 (i thin...
I've been told a few times that I need to post a few more of my poems so I decided that I'd post this one... I just wrote it during school today. Tell me what I need to fix. Thx. Please, Believe Please do it trust in me. give me a chance to redeem myself. i want to start over from the times when i was good. even if those times are too far for you to ever remember now. i remember when you could tell me this and i remember when you could tell me that. why can’t we just go ba...
Hello guys. It's been so long since I last wrote an article on here and Death by Beebles thought it was time for me to try again, so here goes... I was just thinking the other day, after a VERY strange dream I had the night before, about what my plans were for the next 3 years, 1 year, 3 months, or even week were and I honestly didn't know other than the obvious goal of turning my school-work in. The first thing I thought about was the short term... 'What will I do in the next month?' ...
This is my grandma Anna Bennett She died, for reasons I don't want to talk about, before I was born. Capt. over and out!
Ok now, seriously. You may think this a just a nother attempt of mine to get points and in a way it is because I like getting points but this is seriously adorable, IMO. Alright, so, I was walking around school the other day with a friend of mine (Jeffers) when suddenly he disappears as I go looking for more teachers to buy stuff off of us. When I go back to where I thought he was I found him at the computer of one of the teachers at the elementary. I was waiting for him to finish up wh...
Hi, I'm Brandon. I'm 17 years old and I am one person. I act on my own and I think on my own. I even dress myself (most days). I don't think I can sit here anymore if the ac kids continue to blog (no, just behave) the way they have been. I know it's unfair to put all of the Amanda Clearcreek students together in a ball like that, but that's what happens when you stick with a group of people. You become that group of people. Some of them aren't being so... irritating, but others are gettin...
Ok, so I was just sitting at my mom's computer today with this big... THING sitting on the desk behind me. I wasn't quite sure what it was, but it said 'Google' on it. There was also a huge computer sitting on the floor. It took me a little while to figure out what was going on. Actually, I never figured it out on my own. I had to ask my mom when she got home. It turns out that the company she works for (Health Care Logistics Inc.) has decided to buy a search engine from Google. In case yo...
I think my mom is finally going to seriously look for a trombone for me to use in college. She showed one to me earlier tonight. It's a Conn88H I think. I can't remember right off the top of my head. But anyways, I already did some research on different types of trombones and of the factory made trombones Conn is one of the best for tenors. The only complaint I've noticed is the attachment seems to be a little sloppy at times, but that's not really too hard to fix in a shop. I've been wai...
She uses analogies like "my knight in shining armor" and "prince charming". What does that mean though? Is she meaning it in a deep metaphoric sense? I wonder. Does she think of me as somone who has saved her from danger? Does she see me as a kind, sweet, honorable, noble, brave, and even handsome person? Or am I hoping for too much? All I know is that my love is my princess. She is a treasured jewel that I'll never let go into dangerous lands alone. If there is ever a problem in her king...